Draft Sutton Sustainable Transport Strategy 2020-2025 Consultation
Why we are consulting?
We are consulting on a new Sustainable Transport Strategy (STS) for the London Borough of Sutton. This new STS replaces the one published in 2015 and sets out how we will consider ways to facilitate and encourage a greater use of walking, cycling, and public transport by those who live and work in or visit the borough.
It takes into account our Ambitious for Sutton programme and considers how measures can assist the wide range of issues in the borough, including public health, child obesity, employment, age-related issues and crime. If adopted it will have Supplementary Planning Document (SPD) status, which makes it more than a strategy as it will be a factor in planning decisions for new developments and so will have “more teeth” than the previous document.
It builds on the 2018 Sutton Local Plan and 2019 Local Implementation Plan, and updates and incorporates the borough’s cycling, walking, and car club strategies to take account of newer methods and technologies since the previous documents were produced. This means it considers a wide range of ways to make sustainable travel safer and more convenient, including junction and crossing improvements, better walking and cycling infrastructure, bus and rail service improvements, delivery and servicing improvements, and construction logistics for new housing and businesses.
What influence do my comments have?
We welcome your thoughts on our overall strategy and the proposed planning guidelines within the STS, which set out what we as a council, and developers and partners, need to do to achieve the key STS objectives.
All comments received will be collated and reported back to the Environment and Neighbourhoods committee. This will include an individual officer response to each comment made so individuals can see how it was taken into account.
The full Draft Strategy document, an the accessible version of the strategy and some Frequently Asked Questions can be found in the links at the bottom of this page. Further information can be found on our website (opens in a new window).
What happens next?
The consultation will be open until 25 March 2021. Following the closing date of the consultation we will consider all responses carefully, and identify where greater clarity or changes might be needed, before the final version of the STS is considered for adoption by the Environment and Sustainable Transport Committee. We hope to publish the final version in mid-2021.
The survey should only take about 20 minutes to complete. All responses are anonymous and any responses or any personal information will not be passed to third parties. For more information on how Sutton processes your personal information please visit our Privacy Notice (opens in a new window). Any comments you make may be made public on the Council's website however we will remove any personally identifiable information.
What happens next
The consultation is open from 14 January to 25 March 2021. Following the closing date of the consultation, we will consider all responses carefully, and identify where greater clarity or changes might be needed, before the final version of the STS is considered for adoption by the Environment and Sustainable Transport Committee. We hope to publish the final version in mid-2021.
Cheam North & Worcester Park Local Committee Meeting Online
From 14 Jan 2021 at 19:00 to 14 Jan 2021 at 21:00Further information and link to meeting live stream: https://moderngov.sutton.gov.uk/ieListDocuments.aspx?CId=359&MId=5512&Ver=4
Carshalton & Clockhouse Local Committee Meeting Online
From 19 Jan 2021 at 19:00 to 19 Jan 2021 at 21:00Further information and link to meeting live stream: https://moderngov.sutton.gov.uk/ieListDocuments.aspx?CId=365&MId=5552&Ver=4
Sutton Local Committee Meeting Online
From 25 Feb 2021 at 19:00 to 25 Feb 2021 at 21:00Further information and link to meeting live stream: https://moderngov.sutton.gov.uk/ieListDocuments.aspx?CId=358&MId=5478&Ver=4
Beddington & Wallington Local Committee Meeting Online
From 2 Mar 2021 at 19:00 to 2 Mar 2021 at 21:00Further information and link to meeting live stream: https://moderngov.sutton.gov.uk/ieListDocuments.aspx?CId=375&MId=5509&Ver=4
St Helier, The Wrythe and Wandle Valley Local Committee Meeting Online
From 4 Mar 2021 at 19:00 to 4 Mar 2021 at 21:00Further information and link to meeting live stream: https://moderngov.sutton.gov.uk/ieListDocuments.aspx?CId=360&MId=5510&Ver=4
Carshalton and Clockhouse Local Committee Meeting Online
From 8 Mar 2021 at 19:00 to 8 Mar 2021 at 21:00Further information and link to meeting live stream: https://moderngov.sutton.gov.uk/ieListDocuments.aspx?CId=365&MId=5464&Ver=4
Sutton, South Cheam & Belmont Local Committee Meeting Online
From 11 Mar 2021 at 19:00 to 11 Mar 2021 at 21:00Further information and link to meeting live stream: https://moderngov.sutton.gov.uk/ieListDocuments.aspx?CId=357&MId=5501&Ver=4
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