403 results
Sutton Housing Partnership - Tall Buildings Resident Engagement Strategy 2024 - 2026
The Building Safety Act was brought into law as a direct response to the recommendations made by Dame Judith Hackitt in her 2018 review of fire safety and building regulations following the devastating Grenfell fire . In particular, the Building Safety Act 2022 requires all councils and social housing providers to produce a Building Safety Resident Engagement Strategy for all residents and homeowners in buildings defined under the Act as ‘higher risk residential buildings’ (those... MoreClosed 4 September 2024 -
Transforming your journey: Belmont Station to the London Cancer Hub
We want to hear your feedback on our proposed designs for cycling and walking routes between Belmont Station and the London Cancer Hub (LCH). Our proposals to improve this space includes: Planting shrubs and flowers in the area Installing new lighting Resurfacing and expanding paths Installing benches Removing phone boxes and other unused items Installing signage/wayfinding Here are some examples of our vision and design for the area leading... MoreClosed 1 September 2024 -
Statement of Licensing Policy under The Gambling Act 2005 Consultation
What do we want to know: We are seeking views on the draft Statement of Licensing Policy and Principles under the Gambling Act 2005 as the Council updates its policy which sets out how licensed businesses are regulated, this includes those that offer: Betting - making or accepting a bet on the outcome of a race, competition, or any other event; Bingo - including cash and prize bingo; Use of gaming machines in gaming centres and amusement arcades, pubs... MoreClosed 1 September 2024 -
Neighbourhood Fund 2024
What is the Neighbourhood Fund? When developers create new housing, flats or retail space in Sutton they pay a levy to the Council. This money is to improve infrastructure within the borough, with a portion of this used specifically to improve local areas in consultation with residents, in Sutton we call this the Neighbourhood Fund . Neighbourhood Fund Projects should help address the demands which development can place on local areas. This funding is not to be confused with... MoreOpened 27 August 2024 -
Wales Avenue/Cambridge Road Area, Carshalton - proposed speed reduction and pedestrian safety measures
Sutton Council is committed to making our borough’s roads safer and giving people more choice in how they travel. We want to improve safety on roads to reduce the number and severity of accidents, to make it easier for people to walk or cycle and to improve air quality. Residents have previously told us about traffic issues in the Wales Avenue/ Cambridge Road area and we have used this feedback to develop proposals to address these issues. We are now inviting you to give feedback... MoreOpened 22 August 2024 -
Morland Road Area - proposed 20mph speed limit
Sutton Council is committed to making roads safer in the borough and giving people more choice in how they travel. We want to improve safety on the roads to reduce the number and severity of accidents, to make it easier for people to walk or cycle and to improve air quality. Reducing the speed limit to 20mph improves safety on the roads as it reduces the number and severity of traffic accidents. Motor vehicles travelling at lower speeds in residential areas provide a safer environment... MoreOpened 22 August 2024 -
Survey for professionals supporting residents with Dementia in Sutton
Help us shape our Dementia Strategy in the London Borough of Sutton. The survey is aimed at professionals who provide services for residents with dementia and/or their carers. This survey should take no more than 5 minutes to complete. MoreOpened 5 August 2024 -
Charging Policy consultation
** We’ve listened to your feedback and recognise that these proposals are complicated. In response, we will be providing more details next week and extending the consultation until 27 October 2024. ** The Council provides social care services to more than 2,000 adults of all ages with learning disabilities, physical disabilities or illnesses and mental illnesses in Sutton. This helps people to be safe, independent and live the lives that they want to. Social care is not free at... MoreOpened 29 July 2024 -
Council Tax Reduction Scheme 2024
The Council has put forward some proposed changes it would like to make to the Council Tax Reduction Scheme and we want to know what you think about the changes. What is the Council Tax Reduction Scheme? The Council Tax Reduction Scheme helps residents on a low income pay their Council Tax. Through the scheme eligible residents pay only part of their council tax bill or in some cases no council tax at all. Who will be impacted by the changes? If you are of working age and... MoreOpened 26 July 2024 -
Sutton Local Plan Review - Issues and Preferred Options
Sutton Council is consulting on the future shape of the borough to help design the planning and development guidelines it will use over the next fifteen years. The Sutton Local Plan is a key document setting out the vision for development across the borough. It focuses on the key issues that Sutton faces and identifies development needs, and the strategies and opportunities for addressing them. It provides detailed policies for the Council to use when deciding on planning applications,... MoreOpened 26 July 2024 -
Unpaid Carers Survey 2024
A carer is a person of any age who provides unpaid care and support to a family member, friend or neighbour who is disabled, has an illness or long-term condition, or who needs extra help as they grow older. Sutton Council, the NHS, Sutton Carers Centre and other local partners are working together to develop a Carers Strategy for Sutton. The Carers Strategy will bring together local support for unpaid carers and we need your input. Please share your experiences and shape Sutton’s... MoreOpened 26 July 2024 -
Shaping Sutton's Dementia Support
We are developing a Dementia Strategy with Sutton's Integrated Care Board, local community organisations, charities and local residents to agree what we can do as a community to make Sutton a better place to live for people with dementia and those who care for them. MoreClosed 26 May 2024 -
Your Experience of Adult Social Care
Please take 5 minutes to answer some questions about your experience of Adult Social Care services in Sutton. We will use your answers to improve our services. If you need help to complete this form, please let us know and we will be happy to help. MoreOpened 13 May 2024 -
Elgin Road/Clyde Road/Ross Road area - Proposed Highway Scheme
Sutton Council wants to improve the borough streets and public spaces for everyone, making it a better place to live, work, and travel. Sustainable Transport policy vision It also aligns to the Corporate Plan to reduce Council and borough-wide carbon emissions and make it easier for people to make sustainable transport choices. The council is aware of concerns raised by some of the local community regarding the impact and level of traffic in Ross Parade, Clyde Road, Ross... MoreClosed 24 March 2024 -
Sandy Lane (Cheam) Area - Proposed 20mph speed limit
Sutton Council is committed to making roads safer in the borough and giving people more choice in how they travel. We want to improve safety on the roads to reduce the number and severity of accidents, to make it easier for people to walk or cycle and to improve air quality. People have previously told us about traffic issues in the Sandy Lane area and we have used this feedback to develop proposals to address these issues. We are inviting you to give feedback on a proposal to... MoreClosed 24 March 2024 -
Forest Road / Woodstock Avenue area - Proposed 20mph speed limit
Sutton Council is committed to making roads safer in the borough and giving people more choice in how they travel. We want to improve safety on the roads to reduce the number and severity of accidents, to make it easier for people to walk or cycle and to improve air quality. People have previously told us about traffic issues in the Forest Road area and we have used this feedback to develop proposals to address these issues. We are inviting you to give feedback on a proposal to... MoreClosed 24 March 2024 -
Developing a joint Dementia Strategy
We are developing a Dementia Strategy with Sutton's Integrated Care Board, local community organisations, charities and local residents to agree what we can do as a community to make Sutton a better place to live for people with dementia and those who care for them. Dementia is term that covers a range of progressive conditions which affect the brain. Each type of dementia prevents a person's brain cells (neurones) working properly in specific areas. Dementia describes common... MoreClosed 20 March 2024 -
Air Quality Action Plan 2024-29
Cleaner air benefits everyone and Sutton is committed to improving air quality. The whole of the London Borough of Sutton was designated an Air Quality Management Area in 2013, and was declared for pollutants Nitrogen Dioxide (NO2) and Particulate Matter (PM10). This declaration means that the Council must prepare an Action Plan setting out the actions it will take to improve air quality in the Borough. This Plan is reviewed every 5 years and we are now seeking views on the latest revision.... MoreClosed 20 March 2024 -
Single Use Plastics Enforcement
The Government has introduced new legislation for businesses to tackle litter and protect the environment from plastic pollution. This involves bans and restrictions on a range of single-use plastic items by businesses. Councils are now responsible for making sure that businesses do not breach these new controls on the sale and use of Single-Use Plastics. The legislation allows councils a range of enforcement actions to be taken and we want to hear your views on these different options. MoreClosed 17 March 2024 -
Physical Activities and Leisure Centres Survey
Sutton Council recognises how important physical activity is to everyone’s health and wellbeing. Our borough has many great exercise and leisure options. We would like to support more people in Sutton to be physically active. To do this we need to understand a bit more about you and your neighbourhood, and how we can help you get the most out of your local leisure centres and provide you the opportunities to be physically active the way you want and need. We understand that not... MoreClosed 15 March 2024 -
Wrythe Green Area – Proposed Speed Reducing Features and Improved Pedestrian Facilities
Sutton Council is committed to making roads safer in the borough and giving people more choice in how they travel. We want to improve safety on the roads to reduce the number and severity of accidents and to make it easier for people to walk or cycle. We are proposing to introduce traffic calming and pedestrian measures in the Wrythe Green area. The proposed measures are in response to requests raised by local residents, parents of children attending schools in the area and ward... MoreClosed 3 March 2024 -
Erskine Road Area - Proposed 20mph speed limit
Sutton Council is committed to making roads safer in the borough and giving people more choice in how they travel. We want to improve safety on the roads to reduce the number and severity of accidents, to make it easier for people to walk or cycle and to improve air quality. People have previously told us about traffic issues in the Erskine Road area and we have used this feedback to develop proposals to address these issues. We are inviting you to give feedback on a proposal to... MoreClosed 3 March 2024 -
North Street Area - Proposed 20mph speed limit
Sutton Council is committed to making roads safer in the borough and giving people more choice in how they travel. We want to improve safety on the roads to reduce the number and severity of accidents, to make it easier for people to walk or cycle and to improve air quality. People have previously told us about traffic issues in the North Street area and we have used this feedback to develop proposals to address these issues. We are inviting you to give feedback on a proposal to... MoreClosed 3 March 2024 -
Foresters Drive area - Proposed 20mph speed limits and 7.5 tonne weight restriction
Sutton Council is committed to making roads safer in the borough and giving people more choice in how they travel. We want to improve safety on the roads to reduce the number and severity of accidents, to make it easier for people to walk or cycle and to improve air quality. People have previously told us about traffic issues in the Foresters Drive area and we have used this feedback to develop proposals to address these issues. There are two key elements that are now being considered,... MoreClosed 25 February 2024 -
Review of the Policy on the Licensing of Sex Establishments
We want to hear your opinions on our policy on the licensing of Sex Establishments in the borough. The Council is updating its licensing policy, which sets out how we regulate and licence businesses that wish to operate as: sex shops - where a large part of items sold are of a sexually explicit nature sex cinemas - where the films shown are classified as restricted to over-18s (R18), and sexual entertainment venues - where the premises offer lap... MoreClosed 9 February 2024 -
Community School Admission Arrangements
The London Borough of Sutton is consulting on school admission arrangements for September 2025 entry. These comprise of: Community School Admission Arrangements – there are no proposed changes to these, but we are consulting as a statutory requirement as these have not been consulted on for 7 years. These arrangements cover Sutton community schools only. They are: Robin Hood Infants School Robin Hood Junior School Devonshire Primary School Hackbridge... MoreClosed 31 January 2024 -
Sutton’s Modern Library Offer
Sutton Council’s network of eight libraries are free to use. They are community spaces where visitors can study, use free wifi, borrow and return books, take part in cultural celebrations, and access council services. The Council is committed to keeping our libraries across the borough and we want to make them better for our visitors in these difficult times. One way we can do this is by introducing self access technology, this means that libraries can be open for longer but it does... MoreClosed 22 December 2023 -
Children's Centres Consultation
Our children’s centres (Startwell) support children to have the best start in life. Since the pandemic we have changed the way that our children's centres operate and have brought some services out of the buildings and into the community, at places such as local libraries and community centres. This has helped to better support our families and has resulted in a 30% increase in the number of sessions held weekly by the service. Following a survey of families using children's centres in... MoreClosed 12 December 2023 -
Improving walking and cycling to The London Cancer Hub
We secured a £14.1 million grant from the Government’s Levelling Up Fund to transform public transport to the London Cancer Hub (LCH) in Belmont. The London Cancer Hub is currently under development and is set to become the world’s leading district for cancer research and treatment bringing 13,000 new jobs in health, science, education and construction to the area. Sutton Council is working with Network Rail to double train services from two to four trains an hour, with... MoreClosed 7 December 2023 -
Home to School Travel Assistance Policy Consultation
Our Home to School Assisted Travel service provides support to help children and young people to travel to school or college when they would otherwise be prevented by disability or need. The service currently supports over 900 children and young people in Sutton. The service mostly supports children with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND) who may find it more difficult to travel to their school or setting because of those needs. We are reviewing the... MoreClosed 18 November 2023
403 results.
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