413 results
The future of waste and street cleaning services in Sutton
Help us shape the waste and street cleaning services of the future Sutton Council has one of the best recycling rates in London: households across the borough recycle just over 46% of their waste (making us the 4th best borough in London). Not only that, but the total amount of waste we create as a borough has dropped by 12% over the last six years; a significant achievement at a time when our population is growing. The fact that we now waste less and... MoreClosed 13 December 2022 -
Visiting our Civic Offices
We want to make sure you are getting the support you need when you visit our Civic Offices. Please complete this short survey to tell us why you came here today, and what we could do to improve your experience. MoreClosed 24 October 2022 -
The Future of Sutton Town Centre
The Council's vision for Sutton is a vibrant and sustainable town centre with great shopping, culture and food, modern flexible office space and good quality affordable housing. We're already delivering a number of exciting projects to make this vision a reality. To help shape the next stage of our plans we're asking residents, businesses, visitors and community groups to tell us what you want from your town centre. The story so... MoreClosed 16 October 2022 -
Pharmaceutical Needs Assessment Consultation
What is a Pharmaceutical Needs Assessment (PNA)? The government requires all Health and Wellbeing Boards to produce an assessment of their local pharmaceutical services every three years. This document is called the Pharmaceutical Needs Assessment (PNA) and Sutton's next PNA will be published in November 2022. The PNA is a report of the present needs for pharmaceutical services. It is used to identify any gaps in current services or improvements that could be made in future... MoreClosed 14 October 2022 -
Neighbourhood Fund 2022
What is the Neighbourhood Fund? When developers create new housing, flats or retail space in Sutton they pay a levy to the Council. This money is to improve infrastructure within the borough, with a portion of this used specifically to improve local areas in consultation with residents, in Sutton we call this the Neighbourhood Fund . Neighbourhood Fund Projects should help address the demands which development can place on local areas. This funding is not to be confused with... MoreClosed 2 October 2022 -
School Streets Phase 1 - Parent survey
Sutton Council is committed to making the streets outside our schools safer and healthier for our children. We know that children are among those most affected by high air pollution levels, and air pollution has been linked to asthma, heart disease and can impact lung development. Meanwhile, using active forms of travel like walking and cycling have excellent benefits not only for the environment but also for the health of our residents. This is why we introduced 10 school street schemes... MoreClosed 24 July 2022 -
EV - Source London - Benhill Avenue
With the sale of new petrol and diesel cars banned from 2030, we are committed to supporting Sutton’s residents as they switch to electric vehicles (EV). As part of this commitment, we are working to increase the number of EV charging points across the borough and are asking for your views on possible locations for new points. About this Survey We are conducting a statutory consultation on EV charging bays to be installed and operated by Source London and we are asking for your... MoreClosed 19 June 2022 -
EV - Source London - Colston Avenue
With the sale of new petrol and diesel cars banned from 2030, we are committed to supporting Sutton’s residents as they switch to electric vehicles (EV). As part of this commitment, we are working to increase the number of EV charging points across the borough and are asking for your views on possible locations for new points. About this Survey We are conducting a statutory consultation on EV charging bays to be installed and operated by Source London and we are asking for your... MoreClosed 19 June 2022 -
EV - Source London - Mulgrave Road
With the sale of new petrol and diesel cars banned from 2030, we are committed to supporting Sutton’s residents as they switch to electric vehicles (EV). As part of this commitment, we are working to increase the number of EV charging points across the borough and are asking for your views on possible locations for new points. About this Survey We are conducting a statutory consultation on EV charging bays to be installed and operated by Source London and we are asking for your... MoreClosed 19 June 2022 -
EV - Source London - Robin Hood Lane
With the sale of new petrol and diesel cars banned from 2030, we are committed to supporting Sutton’s residents as they switch to electric vehicles (EV). As part of this commitment, we are working to increase the number of EV charging points across the borough and are asking for your views on possible locations for new points. About this Survey We are conducting a statutory consultation on EV charging bays to be installed and operated by Source London and we are asking for your... MoreClosed 19 June 2022 -
EV - Source London - Evelyn Way
With the sale of new petrol and diesel cars banned from 2030, we are committed to supporting Sutton’s residents as they switch to electric vehicles (EV). As part of this commitment, we are working to increase the number of EV charging points across the borough and are asking for your views on possible locations for new points. About this Survey We are conducting a statutory consultation on EV charging bays to be installed and operated by Source London and we are asking for your... MoreClosed 19 June 2022 -
EV - Source London - Demesne Road
With the sale of new petrol and diesel cars banned from 2030, we are committed to supporting Sutton’s residents as they switch to electric vehicles (EV). As part of this commitment, we are working to increase the number of EV charging points across the borough and are asking for your views on possible locations for new points. About this Survey We are conducting a statutory consultation on EV charging bays to be installed and operated by Source London and we are asking for your... MoreClosed 19 June 2022 -
EV - Source London - Ferrers Avenue
With the sale of new petrol and diesel cars banned from 2030, we are committed to supporting Sutton’s residents as they switch to electric vehicles (EV). As part of this commitment, we are working to increase the number of EV charging points across the borough and are asking for your views on possible locations for new points. About this Survey We are conducting a statutory consultation on EV charging bays to be installed and operated by Source London and we are asking for your... MoreClosed 19 June 2022 -
Collingwood Road/Chaucer Road junction - Proposed improvement of sight lines
The Council has received feedback from members of the public and from ward councillors who are concerned about the lack of visibility and the reduced sight lines* for traffic pulling out of Chaucer Road at the junction with Collingwood Road. In order to address this issue, we are considering making changes to the current road design. These changes would include introducing new hatch markings on each side of Chaucer Road in line with existing residents parking bays in Collingwood Road and... MoreClosed 23 March 2022 -
Early Years SEND Support Parental Survey
As part of the Ambitious for SEND Programme, Sutton Council is currently reviewing the support, services and interventions that are available for children under 5 years old across the local area. We want to hear the views of parents and carers with children under 5 years of age who have or may have a special educational need or disability (SEND), or where parents and carers have a concern about their child’s development and / or learning. We would like to find out what support... MoreClosed 28 February 2022 -
Neighbourhood Placemaking - Butter Hill
Sutton is one of the greenest and safest boroughs in London. We are ambitious about making more improvements, so that the borough has even more to offer its residents, visitors, businesses and communities. Sutton Council is looking to explore ways that we can reduce pollution, promote healthier modes of transport and generally make our streets safer and cleaner for the Butter Hill neighbourhood. The quality of the physical environment is a key priority for Sutton residents and this... MoreClosed 13 December 2021 -
Neighbourhood Placemaking - Worcester Park
Sutton is one of the greenest and safest boroughs in London. We are ambitious about making more improvements, so that the borough has even more to offer its residents, visitors, businesses and communities. Sutton Council is looking to explore ways that we can reduce pollution, promote healthier modes of transport and generally make our streets safer and cleaner for the Worcester Park neighbourhood. The quality of the physical environment is a key priority for Sutton residents and... MoreClosed 13 December 2021 -
Newspaper and Magazine Survey
A review of newspapers and magazines is being undertaken by Sutton Council's Cultural Services in order to better understand how they should be offered in the future. This survey forms part of a review and will open on Monday 15 November and close on Friday 10th December 2021 at midnight. Privacy Policy Please take 5 minutes to complete this survey to have your say! MoreClosed 10 December 2021 -
Draft Learning Disability Strategy Consultation
The Council and South West London Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG) want to find out what people think about the draft Learning Disability Strategy for Sutton . The Strategy covers the next five years and will look at how we improve and broaden the services and support we currently offer to make sure we give people the best possible outcomes. MoreClosed 30 November 2021 -
Smarter Litter Bins for Sutton Phase 3 - Central Road
Smart litter bin technology enables us to remotely monitor how full individual litter bins are. There are two types of smart bins being trialed in Sutton; 1. Fill level sensors fitted to existing and new bins - a small wireless device is placed on the underside of the top of the bin. This device provides continuous monitoring and allows us to keep an eye on fill level, and when emptying is required. 2. Compactor bins like the ones installed in Sutton High Street in summer 2019.... MoreClosed 30 November 2021 -
Smarter Litter Bins for Sutton Phase 3 - Sutton High Street
Smart litter bin technology enables us to remotely monitor how full individual litter bins are. There are two types of smart bins being trialed in Sutton; 1. Fill level sensors fitted to existing and new bins - a small wireless device is placed on the underside of the top of the bin. This device provides continuous monitoring and allows us to keep an eye on fill level, and when emptying is required. 2. Compactor bins like the ones installed in Sutton High Street in summer 2019.... MoreClosed 30 November 2021 -
The Stronger Sutton Conversation: Residents' Survey
The pandemic has demonstrated the strength of community spirit in our borough and that bodes really well for the future. However, we know that the Covid-19 crisis has been long and painful for many people. Lockdown has changed our lives forever. We now have an opportunity to reshape our borough, including how we work, how we move around, how we shop and how we relax and have fun. Share your thoughts and shape Sutton's recovery. Online Survey ... MoreClosed 7 November 2021 -
The Stronger Sutton Conversation: Business Survey
W e know that the Covid-19 crisis has been long and painful for many businesses and residents. Lockdown has changed our lives forever. We now have an opportunity to reshape our borough, including how we work, how we move around, how we shop and how we relax and have fun. Why we are consulting We want to understand how Covid-19 affected your business and how you would like us - Sutton Council and our partners - to improve things for you as we move forward. ... MoreClosed 7 November 2021 -
Neighbourhood Fund 2021
What is the Neighbourhood Fund? When developers create new housing, flats or retail space in Sutton they pay a levy to the Council. This money is to improve infrastructure within the borough, with a portion of this used specifically to improve local areas in consultation with residents, in Sutton we call this the Neighbourhood Fund . Neighbourhood Fund Projects should help address the demands which development can place on local areas. This funding is not to be confused with... MoreClosed 3 October 2021 -
Therapies Survey
We are developing our children and young people’s therapy services in Sutton, focusing on Speech and Language Therapy and Occupational Therapy. We want to strengthen what works, as well as identifying ways to do things differently, to best meet the outcomes of children and young people in the Borough. These services support over 2,000 children and young people in Sutton, and we want to hear from young people and parents about what our future model could look like. If you are... MoreClosed 1 October 2021 -
Polling District & Polling Station Review 2021
Please note, for Carshalton South and Clockhouse ward, the correct polling station for polling district PC is Hillcrest Hall, not Beddington Infants' School (as stated in the consultation). We would like to hear your views about proposed changes to polling districts and polling stations for wards within the London Borough of Sutton. MoreClosed 1 October 2021 -
Changing Places Survey
In a national effort to build back better from COVID-19, the government wants to create a stronger, safer and fairer society in which everyone is treated with dignity and respect. In a major change to statutory guidance in England, the government wants to make it compulsory to include a Changing Places toilets in new, publicly accessible buildings – but the government wants to go much further. In July, the government announced £30 million to help local authorities to work with... MoreClosed 21 September 2021 -
GreenSpace Project
What is the GreenSpace project? In 2019 Sutton Council declared a Climate Emergency, and we need to take urgent action to reduce the impact of climate change on our physical environment. The Covid-19 pandemic has increased social isolation and highlighted a lack of access to green outdoor space, nature and biodiversity, even in a green borough like Sutton. The GreenSpace project will create a new, or enhance an existing, small area of green space in the borough. This will help to... MoreClosed 19 September 2021 -
Robin Hood Lane – Collingwood Road Area - Proposed Road Safety Improvements
Robin Hood Lane – Collingwood Road is a route for pedestrians attending schools and community centres in the area. The traffic flow on the route is busy and continuous. The route is part of the road network that provides access to Sutton town centre. Ward councillors, residents and school parents have raised concerns about road safety on this route. The proposals include: zebra crossings, new islands, enlarging of an existing island and introducing a 20mph speed... MoreClosed 12 September 2021 -
High Street/Oakhill Road, Sutton - Proposed Junction improvements
The Council had received concerns from ward councillors and members of the public regarding traffic safety and the difficulty of manoeuvring at High Street junction with Oakhill Road. Funding from Transport for London (TfL) has been allocated under the Local Implementation Plan (LIP) programme to investigate, design and consult on proposed schemes during 2020/21. The outline design has been completed and safety audited for the purpose of consultation as shown on the plan below. The... MoreClosed 12 September 2021
413 results.
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