Draft Learning Disability Strategy Consultation
Feedback updated 4 Feb 2022
We asked
We asked for residents’ views on the Draft Learning Disability Strategy 2022-2027. This consultation was part of a much longer engagement period; the purpose was to validate what stakeholders had told us and check that the draft strategy reflected this.
You said
There was support for the strategy and its priorities, while the feedback also emphasised the importance of having an overall delivery plan in place so as to ensure implementation of the key priorities.
Key themes which were incorporated into the final strategy are set out below.
We did
The strategy was updated to reflect the consultation feedback, and a final version was adopted by the People Committee in December 2021. There were no material changes to the strategy as a result of the consultation - however we did make some small amendments and added emphasis to some areas as set out below:
Emphasising the link between Education and Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND) services and the transition to adulthood in the strategy.
Strengthening the wording around families and carers to emphasise the vital role they play.
Making it clearer that the section of the strategy about respite includes the needs of people with people with Profound and Multiple Learning Disabilities (PMLD).
Emphasising the importance of paid employment and the opportunity to consider how unpaid roles could develop into paid employment.
Including the acronym STOMP (Stop The Over Medication of People) when we talk about reducing unnecessary medication (reflecting the national NHS agenda).
Including the GP Champion in the foreword of the strategy, to emphasise the key role played by GPs.
We are developing a comprehensive plan with a series of workstreams to deliver the strategy. Progress will be overseen through relevant Council and partnership governance and reported back to the People Committee at least annually.
The Council and South West London Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG) want to find out what people think about the draft Learning Disability Strategy for Sutton. The Strategy covers the next five years and will look at how we improve and broaden the services and support we currently offer to make sure we give people the best possible outcomes.
Why your views matter
We have undertaken a lot of engagement but want to ensure we have included everyone we can to have their say - your views are important to us.
Read the draft Learning Disability Strategy here
Read the draft Learning Disability Strategy easy read here
All responses are anonymous, and any responses or any personal information will not be passed to third parties. For more information on how Sutton Council processes your personal information please visit our Privacy Notice (opens in a new window). Any comments you make may be made public on the Council's website however we will remove any personally identifiable information.
The closing date for the consultation is Tuesday 30 November 2021.
What happens next
After we have received the responses to the survey, we will consider these and look to see if we need to amend the draft strategy or not. We will consider all of your views and anything that doesn't sit in the strategy but may help with other planning for learning disabilities we will look to pass onto the relevant team.
The final Learning Disability Strategy will then be taken through both the Council and Clinical Commissioning Group for final approval.
The actions from the Strategy will be monitored through the Learning Disability Programme Board.
- All Areas
- Community groups / organisations
- Voluntary groups / organisations
- Parents, carers and guardians
- People with disabilities
- People with learning difficulties
- Service users
- Young People
- Disability
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