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403 results

  • Blue Badges

    Background The Blue Badge scheme is a national parking concession scheme, enabling people with severe mobility problems to park close to where they need to go. A Blue Badge is issued for 3 years, to people who meet the eligibility criteria, and can be used across the UK. This is a national scheme, with the government setting the operational arrangements, and Sutton Council responsible for administering the scheme to its residents. Over the last year, the... More
    Closed 8 June 2012
  • Sutton Alcohol Harm Reduction Strategy

    The Sutton Alcohol Harm Reduction Strategy 2011-14, will update, refresh and build upon work that has been developed locally and previously expressed in Safer Sutton Partnership. At a time of shrinking economies, cuts across public services and considerable uncertainty about future funding, it is imperative that resources are deployed ‘smartly’ and that Sutton’s response to tackling alcohol misuse is coordinated and proportionate to locally evidenced need and the issues... More
    Closed 30 May 2012
  • Primary School Expansion Programme: Options for the possible expansion of Primary Schools from September 2013

    There has been a marked upturn in the numbers of children born in the borough and we have already had to increase capacity during the last three years to meet the additional demand for places at reception year (YR). This increased demand is projected to continue in to 2013 and probably beyond. The Local Authority has a core duty to ensure there are sufficient places to meet the needs of its children and families and therefore it is obliged to plan for the expansion of its school capacity. More
    Closed 14 May 2012
  • Decision Taking in Sutton

    The Council is committed to making changes to its governance arrangements and the ways in which it takes decisions. Below is a summary of the main changes. The purpose of this consultation is to receive feedback and comments on any issues that relate to the practical implementation of these changes and the ways in which our residents and partners work with the Council. In particular we are interested in: Ways in which we can increase public involvement in meetings Ways in which... More
    Closed 25 April 2012
  • New Carshalton Library at Westcroft Leisure Centre

    The improvement works at Westcroft Leisure Centre are well under way and staff from Sutton’s Library Service are being kept busy as they develop the designs for the library that feature at the front of the development. We know the 100+ year old library at The Square will be sadly missed by many of our regular customers, but the new development offers us lots of opportunities to improve our service, extend our opening hours and widen the range of services we can offer. ... More
    Closed 31 March 2012
  • Housing Allocations Policy & Tenancy Strategy Consultation

    In response to changes in the law, the Council is consulting with residents and stakeholders on possible changes to the Housing Allocations Policy and the development of a Tenancy Strategy for the borough. More
    Closed 30 March 2012
  • Choice Based Lettings User Feedback Survey

    If you used our Choice Based Lettings service in January we want to hear about your experiences. More
    Closed 6 March 2012
  • Sustainable School Travel Survey September 2011

    All schools in Sutton have 'school travel plans' to find ways of supporting their pupils, parents and staff travel to schools which are greener, healthier and help to create safer roads around schools. This consultation is aimed at parents/carers of pupils in Sutton schools to find out how schools can help their journeys to become easier, safer and greener. A downloadable version of the survey is available in the related documents section below. More
    Closed 31 January 2012
  • Budget Consultation

    Sutton spends millions of pounds each year delivering hundreds of services on your behalf. In the Autumn we will give you the information you need to help tell us what you think about the budget proposals for the financial year 2012/12. More
    Closed 27 January 2012
  • Health Improvement Strategy

    Good health can be like trying to define the proverbial elephant, difficult to describe but easy to spot when we see it. People have told us that being in good health is hugely important to them but we often don’t appreciate this until we become ill. History has shown us that there are many things that can affect our health: Our age, our gender and our family history How we live, what food we eat, whether we smoke, take drugs or drink too much alcohol (our lifestyles)... More
    Closed 20 January 2012
  • Housing Allocations Review and Tenancy Strategy

    In response to forthcoming changes in the law, the Council is consulting with all residents in the borough on possible changes to its Housing Allocations Policy. We also want your views on whether you think we should give fixed term tenancies rather tenancies for life for some or all households. More
    Closed 16 December 2011
  • Primary School Expansion Programme - Phase 2

    In recent years there has been a marked upturn in the numbers of children born in the Borough, we have already had to increase capacity during the last two years to meet the additional demand for places at reception year. This increased demand is projected to continue at least up to 2013 and probably beyond. The Local Authority has a core duty to ensure there are sufficient places to meet the needs of its children and families and therefore it is obliged to plan for the expansion of its... More
    Closed 15 December 2011
  • Adult Social Services & Housing Joint Strategy For Carers

    Sutton wants to hear your views on the Joint Strategy for Carers which has been agreed for consultation and which replaces the Carers Strategy published in September 2010. More
    Closed 29 November 2011
  • Strategic Partner Programme Consultation

    Background to the Strategic Partner Programme The Strategic Partner Programme began in April 2009, with the aim of investing in a small number of third sector partners. These partners work collaboratively with Sutton Council to develop capability and capacity in the third sector. The funding provided contributes to the organisations' core costs and is not intended for investment in specific projects. Current strategic partners are: Sutton Centre for the Voluntary... More
    Closed 14 November 2011
  • Wallington Town Centre Improvements - Evaluation

    Following the completion of improvement works to Wallington Town Centre we would be interested in hearing your views. We would be grateful if you could take 5 minutes to complete this online questionnaire. More
    Closed 4 November 2011
  • Worcester Park Integrated Transport Package (ITP)

    This will be an initial consultation to find out about local aspirations for transport in Worcester Park, a secondary consultation on any scheme designs will follow in 2012. More
    Closed 1 November 2011
  • Review of Polling Districts and Polling Places

    Sutton is reviewing all its current polling districts and also the location of polling stations for use at both national and local elections. Local political parties, MPs and councillors are being consulted. Views are also invited from residents and any person or body who has expertise in accessing buildings by persons with any type of disability. The formal consultation period will run from Thursday 15 June until Friday 15 July 2011. More
    Closed 28 October 2011
  • Enhancing Worcester Park & North Cheam

    We want local people who live, work, shop or go to school in the Worcester Park and North Cheam areas to tell us their issues and ideas for improvements. More
    Closed 28 October 2011
  • Primary School Expansion Programme 2012

    In recent years there has been a marked upturn in the numbers of children born in the Borough, we have already had to increase capacity during the last two years to meet the additional demand for places at reception year. This increased demand is projected to continue at least up to 2013 and probably beyond. The Local Authority has a core duty to ensure there are sufficient places to meet the needs of its children and families and therefore it is obliged to plan for the expansion of its... More
    Closed 20 October 2011
  • Roundshaw Downs conservation grazing

    Roundshaw Downs is Sutton’s largest Local Nature Reserve and site of Metropolitan Importance for Nature Conservation. We are proposing to introduce conservation grazing as site management tool improve the nature conservation value of the grassland at Roundshaw Downs. This involves installation of a permanent fencing enclosure. More
    Closed 3 October 2011
  • Durand Close Movers Constultation

    A survey of 80 households on Durand Close. This is a specific consultation for those households, so we are not seeking a response from you unless a member of the Housing Team has been in touch. More
    Closed 15 September 2011
  • Adult Social Services Prevention Prospectus

    The London Borough of Sutton is intending to purchase new prevention services to support vulnerable adults in Sutton to remain living independently. The 'Outcome Prospectus for Prevention' details what Sutton is looking to achieve as well as the outcomes the new services are expected to deliver. More
    Closed 12 August 2011
  • Review of Polling Districts and Polling Places

    Sutton is reviewing all its current polling districts and also the location of polling stations for use at both national and local elections. Local political parties, MPs and councillors are being consulted. Views are also invited from residents and any person or body who has expertise in accessing buildings by persons with any type of disability. The formal consultation period will run from Thursday 15 June until Friday 15 July 2011. More
    Closed 15 July 2011
  • Saturday Project

    Sutton Council regularly consults with local residents, partners and other stakeholders. This enables customers and other interested parties to have opportunities to be involved in planning, prioritising and monitoring of services. Sutton Council is committed to asking local people and service users for their views and opinions on particular services in order to diagnose problems, assess service standards and check performance. These views can then be used to inform the decisions... More
    Closed 15 July 2011
  • Primary School Expansion Programme

    In recent years there has been a marked upturn in the numbers of children born in the Borough, we have already had to increase capacity during the last two years to meet the additional demand for places at reception year. This increased demand is projected to continue at least up to 2013 and probably beyond. The Local Authority has a core duty to ensure there are sufficient places to meet the needs of its children and families and therefore it is obliged to plan for the expansion of its... More
    Closed 30 June 2011
  • Sustainable School Travel - paper consultation

    All schools in Sutton have 'school travel plans' to find ways of supporting their pupils, parents and staff travel to schools which are greener, healthier and help to create safer roads around schools. This consultation is aimed at parents/carers of pupils in Sutton schools to find out how schools can help their journeys to become easier, safer and greener. More
    Closed 8 June 2011
  • Future of Oakleigh Care Centre - Second Phase Consultation

    Proposal to Transfer Oakleigh Care Centre to a new Care Provider. Overview As a result of the severe public sector cuts caused by the recession, Sutton is making plans to save a minimum of 20% of its budget through reviewing all of its services. A review of all directly provided care services is underway, which includes Oakleigh Care Centre. Oakleigh is the Council's only remaining long term residential care service for people with dementia which also provides respite... More
    Closed 27 May 2011
  • Changes and reductions to Library Opening Hours

    As part of the review of Libraries and Heritage services we are currently looking at how we can save £935,000. The Council has committed to keeping all of its main libraries open but still needs to find savings. Proposed reductions in and changes to opening hours will contribute to these savings. The changes in opening hours will affect the Sutton, Wallington, Worcester Park, Cheam and Circle Libraries. All other libraries are not affected by these proposals. Alterations to... More
    Closed 29 April 2011
  • Site Development Policies: Additional Sutton Town Centre and Updated Climate Change Policies and Proposals

    The council is preparing a Site Development Policies Development Plan Document which will identify future development sites and detailed policies to help implement the adopted Core Planning Strategy: . It is the second of a suite of documents in the council’s Local Development Framework that will replace the adopted Unitary Development Plan. The adopted Sutton Local Development Scheme (2007) indicated that the council would also prepare an... More
    Closed 28 April 2011
  • Draft IPG on Climate Change Mitigation

    The Council is preparing Interim Planning Guidance (IPG) on ‘Climate Change Mitigation’ as part of Sutton’s Local Development Framework that will replace the adopted Unitary Development Plan. The IPG is intended to provide supplementary guidance for developers and a framework against which planning applications will be determined with respect to key climate change mitigation issues covered by London Plan policies and Sutton’s adopted Sutton Core Planning Strategy over the interim... More
    Closed 28 April 2011
403 results. Page 12 of 14