Ruskin Road/Park Lane pedestrian crossing & Signal Improvements - Informal Public Consultation

Closed 21 Jan 2013

Opened 13 Dec 2012


On the 22nd February 2012, Sutton Council’s Development Control Committee approved a planning application for the major extension of All Saints School, located in Rotherfield Road, the building of which has recently been completed. The approved scheme for the school will result in an increase in pupil numbers from 245 primary school places plus 26 nursery places, to 320 primary school places plus 52 nursery places. Consequently, both the council’s Carshalton & Clockhouse and Beddington & Wallington Local Committees were asked to consider a review of pedestrian crossing facilities within the area. Ruskin Road/Park Lane junction was highlighted as a location with scope for improvement to incorporate a controlled crossing for pedestrians. After an initial design study, two options have been considered by the council for consultation with local residents, local Councillors and other interested persons.

Why your views matter

We would like to obtain your views as resident’s and users of the junction, to gauge your opinions on your preferred option. We would also be grateful if you could inform us of any other road safety issues that you have in the area that may be relevant to this scheme. A before and after traffic count will be undertaken to establish the effects on traffic volumes.


  • Carshalton Central
  • Wallington North


  • Anyone from any background


  • Traffic and transportation