Sutton South Traffic Study - Cavendish Road & Cedar Road

Closed 11 Jan 2013

Opened 11 Dec 2012


A petition was received by the Council from the residents of Cavendish Road requesting additional/improved speed reduction measures to be implemented in Cavendish Road, as they consider that the existing traffic calming measures are ineffective in reducing the vehicular speeds.  Similar enquiries have been received from residents in Cedar Road.

Cavendish Road and Cedar Road form part of the Sutton South 20mph Zone that was implemented in 2007/08.  The zone is traffic-calmed using raised tables and speed cushions.  Cavendish Road and Cedar Road are also bus routes for the S1 and S3 routes respectively, which are used by large number of elderly residents of these roads.

The Sutton South, Cheam and Belmont Local Committee, at the meeting on 11 October 2012, have agreed to undertake the necessary traffic study in Cavendish Road, Cedar Road and the surrounding roads.

Why your views matter

The objective of the questionnaire is to seek your views and opinions about your concerns and perceived difficulties in using the roads.  These will assist officers in proposing options and measures to address issues that have been identified.

We believe it is vital that people who live in the area are involved in identifying where improvements may be needed, which can help create a safer environment for pedestrians, cyclists and public transport users.

What happens next

The results of the traffic survey and public consultation will be assessed by Council officers so a report can be produced for this traffic study. 

The findings of the report are planned to be presented at the Sutton South, Cheam & Belmont Local Committee meeting, which is on Thursday 21 March 2013.


  • Sutton South


  • Anyone from any background


  • Traffic and transportation