403 results
Adult Social Services & Housing Joint Strategy For Carers
Sutton wants to hear your views on the Joint Strategy for Carers which has been agreed for consultation and which replaces the Carers Strategy published in September 2010. MoreClosed 29 November 2011 -
Primary School Expansion Programme - Phase 2
In recent years there has been a marked upturn in the numbers of children born in the Borough, we have already had to increase capacity during the last two years to meet the additional demand for places at reception year. This increased demand is projected to continue at least up to 2013 and probably beyond. The Local Authority has a core duty to ensure there are sufficient places to meet the needs of its children and families and therefore it is obliged to plan for the expansion of its... MoreClosed 15 December 2011 -
Housing Allocations Review and Tenancy Strategy
In response to forthcoming changes in the law, the Council is consulting with all residents in the borough on possible changes to its Housing Allocations Policy. We also want your views on whether you think we should give fixed term tenancies rather tenancies for life for some or all households. MoreClosed 16 December 2011 -
Health Improvement Strategy
Good health can be like trying to define the proverbial elephant, difficult to describe but easy to spot when we see it. People have told us that being in good health is hugely important to them but we often don’t appreciate this until we become ill. History has shown us that there are many things that can affect our health: Our age, our gender and our family history How we live, what food we eat, whether we smoke, take drugs or drink too much alcohol (our lifestyles)... MoreClosed 20 January 2012 -
Budget Consultation
Sutton spends millions of pounds each year delivering hundreds of services on your behalf. In the Autumn we will give you the information you need to help tell us what you think about the budget proposals for the financial year 2012/12. MoreClosed 27 January 2012 -
Sustainable School Travel Survey September 2011
All schools in Sutton have 'school travel plans' to find ways of supporting their pupils, parents and staff travel to schools which are greener, healthier and help to create safer roads around schools. This consultation is aimed at parents/carers of pupils in Sutton schools to find out how schools can help their journeys to become easier, safer and greener. A downloadable version of the survey is available in the related documents section below. MoreClosed 31 January 2012 -
Choice Based Lettings User Feedback Survey
If you used our Choice Based Lettings service in January we want to hear about your experiences. MoreClosed 6 March 2012 -
Housing Allocations Policy & Tenancy Strategy Consultation
In response to changes in the law, the Council is consulting with residents and stakeholders on possible changes to the Housing Allocations Policy and the development of a Tenancy Strategy for the borough. MoreClosed 30 March 2012 -
New Carshalton Library at Westcroft Leisure Centre
The improvement works at Westcroft Leisure Centre are well under way and staff from Sutton’s Library Service are being kept busy as they develop the designs for the library that feature at the front of the development. We know the 100+ year old library at The Square will be sadly missed by many of our regular customers, but the new development offers us lots of opportunities to improve our service, extend our opening hours and widen the range of services we can offer. ... MoreClosed 31 March 2012 -
Decision Taking in Sutton
The Council is committed to making changes to its governance arrangements and the ways in which it takes decisions. Below is a summary of the main changes. The purpose of this consultation is to receive feedback and comments on any issues that relate to the practical implementation of these changes and the ways in which our residents and partners work with the Council. In particular we are interested in: Ways in which we can increase public involvement in meetings Ways in which... MoreClosed 25 April 2012 -
Primary School Expansion Programme: Options for the possible expansion of Primary Schools from September 2013
There has been a marked upturn in the numbers of children born in the borough and we have already had to increase capacity during the last three years to meet the additional demand for places at reception year (YR). This increased demand is projected to continue in to 2013 and probably beyond. The Local Authority has a core duty to ensure there are sufficient places to meet the needs of its children and families and therefore it is obliged to plan for the expansion of its school capacity. MoreClosed 14 May 2012 -
Sutton Alcohol Harm Reduction Strategy
The Sutton Alcohol Harm Reduction Strategy 2011-14, will update, refresh and build upon work that has been developed locally and previously expressed in Safer Sutton Partnership. At a time of shrinking economies, cuts across public services and considerable uncertainty about future funding, it is imperative that resources are deployed ‘smartly’ and that Sutton’s response to tackling alcohol misuse is coordinated and proportionate to locally evidenced need and the issues... MoreClosed 30 May 2012 -
Blue Badges
Background The Blue Badge scheme is a national parking concession scheme, enabling people with severe mobility problems to park close to where they need to go. A Blue Badge is issued for 3 years, to people who meet the eligibility criteria, and can be used across the UK. This is a national scheme, with the government setting the operational arrangements, and Sutton Council responsible for administering the scheme to its residents. Over the last year, the... MoreClosed 8 June 2012 -
Carshalton College Draft Supplementary Planning Document
Sutton Council is seeking views on a draft Supplementary Planning Document (SPD) for Carshalton College from 24 May 2012 to 4 July 2012. This draft SPD sets out the policy context and key issues and opportunities affecting the redevelopment of the Carshalton College site and neighbouring sites. Once adopted, the SPD will become planning guidance to supplement policies in Sutton's Local Development Framework and will be used as a material consideration when determining planning applications.... MoreClosed 4 July 2012 -
School Travel Update survey
A short survey to find out what activities schools have participated in and initiatied in the promotion of sustainable travel during 2011-2012 MoreClosed 20 July 2012 -
School Travel Update survey (Secondary schools)
This is a short survey to collect sustainable school travel information, which will help determine the future direction of the school travel plan programme in Sutton MoreClosed 20 July 2012 -
Outer London Fund - North Cheam and Worcester Park
Sutton Council has been awarded £1.4m from the Mayor's Outer London Fund, which is helping increase the vibrancy and growth of high street places across London. Together with Council funding we have £1.9m to improve North Cheam and Worcester Park. Your views are important - a previous survey helped us win this money from the Mayor! To help us undertake this exciting project please take a moment to tell us what you think. The survey will take about 10 minutes (depending how much you... MoreClosed 30 July 2012 -
North Sutton Sites Draft Planning Brief
The North Sutton Sites Draft Planning Brief will provide guidance on the redevelopment of the gas holders, Zurich House, Centerlink House and Magnet Showrooms area to help transform it into an attractive town centre destination. Public Consultation on the draft Planning Brief open from 29 May to 31 July 2012 We want your views on the plans that will shape the North Sutton Sites (including the gas holders, the Zurich House Building, Centrelink House, the Magnet showroom and a number... MoreClosed 31 July 2012 -
Residential and Nursing care fees consultation 2013/14
The public sector continues to face its toughest ever financial challenge. Within ASSH we have been obliged to achieve a reduction in overall expenditure of over £10M per annum between 2012 and 2014. We have continued to look at ways to save money to ensure that those with the highest levels of need are protected and can continue to receive support. There has been a reduction in the number of residential placements that we commission and what we pay for them but we are still required... MoreClosed 10 August 2012 -
Sutton's Children and Young People Plan for 2013
This survey is for young people aged 11-18 to find out more about you and your needs. At Sutton Council we are putting together a plan about how we can better respond to your needs. We will be using the results from this survey to help us understand you better and make sure we provide you with the things you need. If you don't feel comfortable answering a question, select "I don't want to say". You do not need to put your name anywhere on this survey so your answers are confidential. MoreClosed 17 August 2012 -
Changing Council Tax Benefit
I am committed to supporting our local communities, in particular those who are most vulnerable, during periods of significant change and in ensuring that our residents have the opportunity to contribute and influence our decision making. Council Tax Benefit has previously been funded by the Department for Work and Pensions but from 1 st April 2013 the Council will take responsibility for this, but with 10% less funding. This means we need to think about how we can deliver... MoreClosed 18 September 2012 -
Primary School Expansions 2013
In recent years there has been a marked upturn in the numbers of children born in the Borough, we have already had to increase capacity during the last two years through the provision both of temporary and permanent accommodation to meet the additional demand for places at reception year. This increased demand is projected to continue up to 2013 and beyond. The Local Authority has a core duty to ensure there are sufficient places to meet the needs of its children and families and... MoreClosed 4 October 2012 -
Sutton Compact 2012
We are updating our Sutton Compact, which was published in 2006. The new Compact will reflect the 2011 National Compact and the current priorities for Sutton. MoreClosed 12 October 2012 -
Worcester Park Public Realm Improvements
Following consultation with residents, businesses and visitors during Summer 2012 some design improvements to Worcester Park town centre, along Central Road, have been proposed.The aim of the improvements is to improve the environment for everybody and to hopefully attract more and/or new visitors to the area. To view the proposals please download the attached consultation leaflet (related documents below). The scheme is part of the Outer London Fund project in Worcester Park and... MoreClosed 31 October 2012 -
Outer London Fund Shop Front Improvement Strategies - Worcester Park
The Outer London Fund project in North Cheam and Worcester Park is a project, with funding from the Mayor of London, to help give uplift to these two town centres. Part of the project is to make shop front improvements, in collaboration with local traders, in each of the town centres. MoreClosed 31 December 2012 -
Sutton South Traffic Study - Cavendish Road & Cedar Road
A petition was received by the Council from the residents of Cavendish Road requesting additional/improved speed reduction measures to be implemented in Cavendish Road, as they consider that the existing traffic calming measures are ineffective in reducing the vehicular speeds. Similar enquiries have been received from residents in Cedar Road. Cavendish Road and Cedar Road form part of the Sutton South 20mph Zone that was implemented in 2007/08. The zone is traffic-calmed using raised... MoreClosed 11 January 2013 -
Draft Adult Social Services Commissioning Strategy 2013 - 2016
The Sutton Adult Social Services Commissioning Strategy 2013-16 is a statement of Council Policy that links the information in the Sutton Joint Strategic Needs Assessment (JSNA) to the Market Position Statement, ASSHH Commissioning and Finance Plan 2013/14 and ASSHH Directorate Commissioning Priorities 2013/14. MoreClosed 11 January 2013 -
Ruskin Road/Park Lane pedestrian crossing & Signal Improvements - Informal Public Consultation
On the 22nd February 2012, Sutton Council’s Development Control Committee approved a planning application for the major extension of All Saints School, located in Rotherfield Road, the building of which has recently been completed. The approved scheme for the school will result in an increase in pupil numbers from 245 primary school places plus 26 nursery places, to 320 primary school places plus 52 nursery places. Consequently, both the council’s Carshalton & Clockhouse and Beddington &... MoreClosed 21 January 2013 -
Community Care Grants and Crisis Loans
Community Care Grants and Crisis Loans are currently managed by the Department for Work and Pensions. There is a single phone number that people can ring to submit an application for a grant or loan. From 1 April, 2013, these grants and loans will be managed by local authorities. In Sutton, the London Borough of Sutton will manage the grants and loans for people living in the borough. Community Care Grants are currently awarded to people in receipt of benefits who are leaving an... MoreClosed 31 January 2013 -
Worcester Park Public Realm Improvements - Outer London Fund Project
Building on consultations in the Summer and Autumn of 2012 the Council has developed proposals for enhancing Worcester Park town centre. This consultation presents the proposals and asks for feedback. To complete the consultation please download the document at the bottom of this page : 'Worcester Park Proposals'. The questions in the consultation will relate to this document. Other detailed drawings can also be downloaded below. These are not essential but may be of interest. For ease... MoreClosed 8 February 2013
403 results.
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