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397 results

  • Draft Planning Brief for Cheam Village Sheltered Scheme

    Sutton Council is committed to providing the right accommodation for local people in later life. From 22 April to 2 June 2009, the Council is seeking your views on a draft Planning Brief to guide future development of the Sheltered Housing Site in Cheam Village. The council plans to redevelop the Sheltered Housing Site in Cheam Village – to include 1-36 Elizabeth House, Park Lane; 1-32 Mickleham Gardens; 1 to 12 Pond Hill Gardens; 1 to 3 Cheam Park Way; and 23, 25 and 27 Malden Road - so... More
    Opened 22 April 2009
  • Sutton Town Centre Area Action Plan

    Sutton Council is working with the Town Centre Partnership to help make Sutton town centre an even more thriving place to shop, work and live. From 22 April to 2 June 2009 we are seeking your views the preferred options for the town centre’s long-term planning strategy. We are preparing an Area Action Plan, with ambitious proposals for future shopping, leisure facilities, additional homes and office space over the next 15 years. It includes plans to create a cultural ‘hub’ in a new... More
    Opened 22 April 2009
  • Sexuality Policy for Vulnerable Adults

    The London Borough of Sutton is a community leader, a provider of services, a major employer and a purchaser of goods and services. Equality of opportunity is at the heart of our vision to build a community in which all can take part and all can take pride and we use every opportunity we can to ensure that the needs and interests of all residents are met. Our aim is not just the prevention of discrimination but the promotion of diversity and equality. The primary aim of this policy is to... More
    Opened 15 April 2009
  • Joint Commissioning Strategies on Older People and Older People's Mental Health

    The London Borough of Sutton and Sutton and Merton Primary Care Trust are working together to develop a Joint Commissioning Strategy focused on the Health and Wellbeing of Older People and as a subset of this main strategy the Mental Health Needs of Older People in Sutton. The strategies make use of information about the older population in Sutton, their health and their use of health and social care services. It has also been informed by consultations with older people. This information is... More
    Opened 1 April 2009
  • The Future of Hackbridge

    Sutton Council is working with the community to turn Hackbridge into the UK’s first truly sustainable suburb. In a major step forward the council has unveiled a masterplan for the area. From 11 February to 25 March 2009 we are seeking your views on these detailed proposals for the future of Hackbridge. We have an ambitious vision to make Hackbridge the greenest place to live in the UK. We want to do this by working with residents, businesses and others to promote One Planet Living – a... More
    Opened 16 February 2009
  • Site Development Policies Development Plan Document (DPD)

    The Preferred Options document identifies proposed sites for future development outside Sutton Town Centre, including Hackbridge, to meet the long-term needs as set out in Sutton's Core Planning Strategy, including locations for proposed new housing, healthcare facilities, schools and other facilities. It sets out detailed development management policies to be used to help decide planning applications; and also contains an Appendix of Proposed Alterations to the Adopted UDP Proposals Map... More
    Opened 13 February 2009
  • Sutton Council's Budget plans for 2009/10

    Sutton spends millions of pounds each year delivering hundreds of services on your behalf. In the document attached you can see the cost and range of some of the most significant services we provide. We now want you to tell us what you think about some proposals for next year's budget, to shape our priorities and help us set our council tax in March 2009. More
    Opened 27 October 2008
397 results. Page 14 of 14