Primary School Expansion Programme

Closed 1 May 2010

Opened 1 Mar 2010

Feedback updated 11 Jul 2011

We asked

For your views on our proposals to increase the number of primary school places in the borough.

You said

That you suppoprted the proposals, but had some concerns about traffic.

We did

Publish statutory consultation notices and started work with the School Travel Advisor and Smarter Travel Sutton team to address traffic issues.

Results updated 11 Jul 2011

Overall, a majority of respondents had supported the expansion proposals, with the exception of Barrow Hedges Primary School (who submitted a petition with 147 signatures), where slightly more were against than in support, and Cheam Common Infant/Junior Schools, where those for and against were more or less equal.

On balance, it was agreed that the needs of those children without a place at a local primary school were paramount, and outweighed the petitioners’ concerns. However, they asked officers to work with the schools to see what could be done to help ameliorate the traffic problems, particularly those referred to specifically by the petitioners.

It was agreed that the publication of statutory proposals with a view to implementation of the proposals with effect from September 2011 would take place for the following schools:

Barrow Hedges Primary (60 to 90 places at YR per year)

Beddington Park Primary (30 to 60 places at YR per year)

Devonshire Primary (60 to 90 places at YR per year)

Dorchester Primary (60 to 90 places at YR per year)

Muschamp Primary (60 to 90 places at YR per year);



In recent years there has been a marked upturn in the numbers of children born in the Borough We have already had to increase capacity during the last two years to meet the additional demand for places at reception year. This increased demand is projected to continue at least up to 2012 and probably beyond. The Local Authority has a core duty to ensure there are sufficient places to meet the needs of its children and families and therefore it is obliged to plan for the expansion of its school capacity.

Why your views matter

We have to increase the number of primary school places to meet additional demand. We set out specific proposals for school expansions in the consultation document. These places should come into operation for September 2011. We believe that the proposals should ensure that every Sutton child requiring a school place will get one, however, there may be issues that we have missed or given insufficient weight. We want to hear your views as to how best we might develop the additional capacity required.


  • Belmont
  • Carshalton Central
  • Cheam
  • Stonecot
  • Sutton Central
  • Sutton North
  • Sutton South
  • The Wrythe
  • Wallington North
  • Wallington South


  • Community groups / organisations
  • Voluntary groups / organisations
  • All residents


  • Children and young people
  • Education