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403 results

  • Theatres & Halls in Sutton

    We are carrying out a survey to find out what you think about cultural activities and events in the borough. In a previous survey it was found that although few residents visited cultural venues in Sutton, the local cultural offer was still important to residents. Further to the previous survey the council now wants to make a number of decisions with regards to the future of cultural services in Sutton. More
    Closed 5 October 2014
  • Green Garden Waste Collection

    Sutton Council is proposing to change the current green garden waste service as part of Sutton’s Future. These proposals are due to unprecedented reductions to our funding, increasing costs of living and a growing demand for council services mean we have to save £40m from our annual budget over five years. As a result, many of the services that we deliver will either need to change or stop in order to make the most of the money we have. Further information about the proposed... More
    Closed 5 October 2014
  • Crisis Loan and Grant Scheme Consultation

    From 1 April 2013 responsibility for the Community Care Grant and Crisis Loans transferred to local authorities from the Department of Work and Pensions (DWP). When the scheme transferred the council was provided with grant funding including administration costs for 2013/14 and 2014/15. In December 2013 the DWP announced that it was cutting the funding to local authorities from 2015/16. To date there has been no change in the position and the council expects to lose £500k of funding in... More
    Closed 5 October 2014
  • Information and Advice Framework Consultation

    In Sutton, information and advice is provided to residents across a broad range of topics including social care (both adult and children), benefits, housing, wellbeing, public health, education and environmental services from a range of different providers including the council. By 'information services' we mean: giving clients the information they need, for them to know and do more about their situation. An information service may inlcude; providing general information, signposting and... More
    Closed 2 October 2014
  • Building Capacity in the Voluntary Sector - Review of Funding

    The council has long-recognised and promoted the importance of the voluntary and community sector as a provider of services, as local campaigners on behalf of their beneficiaries, and as important contributors to the creation of social capital within our communities. We recognise that a strong and vibrant community sector will play an increasingly important role in direct service delivery and supporting community resilience and in 2012/13, the voluntary sector and not for profit sector... More
    Closed 12 September 2014
  • Local Pharmacy Services Survey

    We are inviting you to tell us about pharmacy services in your area of Sutton. Many people call them chemists but in this survey we use the word pharmacy. By a pharmacy, we mean a place you would use to get a prescription or buy medicines. We don’t mean the pharmacy at the hospital or the part of a pharmacy where you buy beauty products. We have to regularly review what pharmacy services we have, what our local people need, and how things might change in the future. This process... More
    Closed 1 September 2014
  • Sutton Police Youth Survey

    The Police Service in Sutton are currently engaging with the local community about how they feel living in Sutton, what they think the issues are, and what the Police Service could do to make them feel safer and happier in Sutton. This Survey should take no more than 5 minutes to complete, and will add your voice and opinion to the report being put together by the Police Service in partnership with the Integrated Services for Young People, to engage young people, listen to their views... More
    Closed 31 August 2014
  • Sutton Youth Volunteer Strategy Consultation

    The vision of this consultation is simple; we want to shape the future of volunteering for young people by listening to their views, ideas and finding out the barriers to volunteering. We want to take everything we hear and use it to shape what volunteering will look like for young people in the future. We will commit to upholding 3 distinct values throughout this consultation: LISTEN – We will take time to gather the views and opinions of young people around various volunteering... More
    Closed 29 August 2014
  • One Planet Sutton: Your views on the local environment

    In January 2014 Sutton Council renewed the One Planet Sutton pledge. This pledge includes targets that aim to give residents a better quality of life and boost the local economy while radically reducing the borough’s negative impact on the environment. Currently, if everyone in the world lived as we do in Sutton, we would need three planets to support us. We need to reduce out impact - our ecological footprint- to a sustainable and globally fair level. You can find out more information... More
    Closed 25 August 2014
  • Joint Carers Strategy 2015-17 consultation

    This consultation is to get feedback from carers on the draft priorities for the 2015-17 Joint Carers Strategy. This strategy is a refresh of the 2011-13 strategy. It looks at how London Borough of Sutton (LBS) and Sutton's Clinical Commissioning Group (SCCG) can maximise resources to meet the needs of carers in Sutton, and also meet the new legislative requirements for carers from the Care Act 2015. Carers can have their say on the draft priorities for this strategy by either: -... More
    Closed 24 August 2014
  • Room Booking System Feedback

    Please complete this short online survey to provide feedback on the new central room booking system. More
    Closed 11 August 2014
  • Cheam Common Junior SN Complete Proposal

    In recent years there has been a marked upturn in the numbers of children born in the Borough. By way of response we have embarked on a programme to increase primary schools’ capacity to meet the additional demand for places, initially at reception year, but in the case of the proposed expansions of the three junior schools, at Year 3 too. This increased demand is projected to be sustained at least up to the end of the decade. The Local Authority has a core duty to ensure there are... More
    Closed 19 May 2014
  • St Elpheges Junior SN Complete Proposal

    In recent years there has been a marked upturn in the numbers of children born in the Borough. By way of response we have embarked on a programme to increase primary schools’ capacity to meet the additional demand for places, initially at reception year, but in the case of the proposed expansions of the three junior schools, at Year 3 too. This increased demand is projected to be sustained at least up to the end of the decade. The Local Authority has a core duty to ensure there are... More
    Closed 19 May 2014
  • Culvers House Primary SN Complete Proposal

    The Council has a duty to secure appropriate special educational provision for pupils with special educational needs and to keep that provision under review. Accordingly, opportunity bases attached to schools are regularly reviewed. At Culvers House, as other schools have increased their capacity to admit disabled children, the demand for the opportunity base has diminished considerably and increasingly it is possible fully to meet the needs of such pupils in their local primary... More
    Closed 19 May 2014
  • Avenue Primary SN Complete Proposal

    The Council has a duty to secure appropriate special educational provision for pupils with special educational needs and to keep that provision under review. Accordingly, opportunity bases attached to schools are regularly reviewed. At Culvers House, as other schools have increased their capacity to admit disabled children, the demand for the opportunity base has diminished considerably and increasingly it is possible fully to meet the needs of such pupils in their local primary... More
    Closed 19 May 2014
  • Sherwood Park School SN Complete Proposal

    The Council has a duty to secure appropriate special educational provision for pupils with special educational needs and to keep that provision under review. Accordingly, opportunity bases attached to schools are regularly reviewed. At Culvers House, as other schools have increased their capacity to admit disabled children, the demand for the opportunity base has diminished considerably and increasingly it is possible fully to meet the needs of such pupils in their local primary... More
    Closed 19 May 2014
  • St Marys Junior SN Complete Proposal

    In recent years there has been a marked upturn in the numbers of children born in the Borough. By way of response we have embarked on a programme to increase primary schools’ capacity to meet the additional demand for places, initially at reception year, but in the case of the proposed expansions of the three junior schools, at Year 3 too. This increased demand is projected to be sustained at least up to the end of the decade. The Local Authority has a core duty to ensure there are... More
    Closed 19 May 2014
  • Council Tax Leaflet Survey

    Every year, with the annual council tax bill, Sutton Council sends out an information booklet about the council, services provided and explains how your payments make a difference. We want to find out how useful this booklet is, if people read it and what people find useful. By completing the survey, you will be entered into a prize draw to win £50 More
    Closed 18 May 2014
  • Local Flood Risk Management Strategy Survey

    Sutton Council is in the process of developing its Local Flood Risk Management Strategy, a duty it has as the Lead Local Flood Authority as defined in the Flood and Water Management Act 2010. This survey includes questions about your thoughts about flood risk in Sutton and its management, as well as providing the opportunity for you to inform us about flooding events which have happened in the past. The latter will improve our local knowledge dataset and will be used to validate the... More
    Closed 30 April 2014
  • LA2003 Licensing Policy – Draft for consultation 2014

    The Council's Licensing Policy is currently under review. The attached policy is for formal consultation. Any comments should be made to the Licensing Team at by the 25th February 2014 More
    Closed 25 February 2014
  • SEN Proposals Culvers House Primary

    The Council has a duty to secure appropriate special educational provision for pupils with special educational needs and to keep that provision under review. Accordingly, opportunity bases attached to schools are regularly reviewed. At Culvers House, as other schools have increased their capacity to admit disabled children, the demand for the opportunity base has diminished considerably and increasingly it is possible fully to meet the needs of such pupils in their local primary... More
    Closed 14 February 2014
  • Primary School Expansion Programme

    In recent years there has been a marked upturn in the numbers of children born in the Borough. By way of response we have embarked on a programme to increase primary schools’ capacity to meet the additional demand for places, initially at reception year, but in the case of the proposed expansions of the three junior schools, at Year 3 too. This increased demand is projected to be sustained at least up to the end of the decade. The Local Authority has a core duty to ensure there are... More
    Closed 14 February 2014
  • SEN Proposals Sherwood Park Special School

    The Council has a duty to secure appropriate special educational provision for pupils with special educational needs and to keep that provision under review. Accordingly, opportunity bases attached to schools are regularly reviewed. At Culvers House, as other schools have increased their capacity to admit disabled children, the demand for the opportunity base has diminished considerably and increasingly it is possible fully to meet the needs of such pupils in their local... More
    Closed 14 February 2014
  • SEN Proposals Avenue Primary

    The Council has a duty to secure appropriate special educational provision for pupils with special educational needs and to keep that provision under review. Accordingly, opportunity bases attached to schools are regularly reviewed. At Culvers House, as other schools have increased their capacity to admit disabled children, the demand for the opportunity base has diminished considerably and increasingly it is possible fully to meet the needs of such pupils in their local primary... More
    Closed 14 February 2014
  • Strong Voices for People with Learning Disabilities

    Are you an adult with a learning disability? Do you think your voice is heard? These questions are all about how you are able to speak up about things. We want people with a learning disability to be able to: Make their views known Get better care and support Have more information and power Have services they can use easily Adult Social Services buys a service to do this called the User Involvement Service. At the moment, the service employs... More
    Closed 24 January 2014
  • Extending the use of Sutton Inclusion Centre

    Sutton Inclusion Centre currently operates as a resource centre exclusively for people with learning disabilities & multiple needs. In agreement with Sutton Clinical Commissioning Group (Sutton CCG) the Council is proposing to extend the use of the Centre to all people with disabilities and complex needs in Sutton, the new vision for the Centre is: A resource centre and community hub for adults and young people in Sutton who have disabilities or complex needs Sutton Council is... More
    Closed 13 January 2014
  • What is the future of Rosehill?

    Sutton Council has begun a project to strengthen town centres. We will work with traders and community groups to understand our high streets and how they can flourish. In Rosehill we are beginning with a survey to find out what people think about the area. What do you like about Rosehill? What things would you like to see happen here? The results of the survey will help develop ideas. More
    Closed 5 January 2014
  • Culture in Sutton

    The questionnaire is designed to find out what residents think about the current cultural provision provided by the Council and what other cultural activities residents do at the moment, or what they would like to do in Sutton. To thank you for taking part you will be entered into a prize draw for four tickets to see the pantomime Beauty & The Beast at the Secombe Theatre in Sutton (from the 18th to the 24th December, subject to availability) More
    Closed 15 December 2013
  • Culture in Sutton - Resident's Panel Survey

    The questionnaire is designed to find out what residents think about the current cultural provision provided by the Council and what other cultural activities residents do at the moment, or what they would like to do in Sutton. To thank you for taking part you will be entered into a prize draw for four tickets to see the pantomime Beauty & The Beast at the Secombe Theatre in Sutton (from the 18th to the 24th December, subject to availability) More
    Closed 15 December 2013
  • Care Home Fee Consultation 2014/15

    Reason behind the proposal In 2012 we consulted with providers of care homes with and without nursing about the proposed variation in fees for 2013/14. Most providers recognised that in the current economic climate those changes in fees were necessary to maintain services and fees were therefore varied in accordance with the proposed formula. The public sector continues to face its toughest ever financial challenge. Within ASSHH we have been obliged to achieve a reduction in overall... More
    Closed 20 September 2013
403 results. Page 10 of 14