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403 results

  • Improving Hackbridge

    Following the publication of the 2009 draft Masterplan for Hackbridge and a successful proposal to the Mayor’s Outer London Fund, Sutton Council, environmental charity BioRegional and award winning architects Adams & Sutherland have developed proposals for improving the centre of Hackbridge. The concepts for the public realm work, which are part of a wider package to help reduce the area’s environmental impact and boost the local economy, will be presented at public consultations... More
    Closed 16 February 2013
  • LB Sutton Air Quality Management Order 2013

    Environment Act 1995 part IV - local air quality management The Council intends to make the LB Sutton Air Quality Management Order 2013 which will come into force on 1st April 2013. The effect of this Order will be to revoke the AQ Management Orders currently in force, and make the whole Borough an air quality management area (AQMA). Orders made in 2000 and 2004 created AQMAs which were "corridors" either side of busy main roads, and the 2010 Order made the Beddington Lane industrial... More
    Closed 29 March 2013
  • Enhanced Housing Options Website User Feedback

    The enhanced housing options website provides information and advice on housing, homeless prevention, jobs & training. It provides a personal action plan and next steps to enable users to resolve their own housing situation. If you have completed an online housing options assessment we would like to find out more about your experience using the website. More
    Closed 31 March 2013
  • Library Usage Survey 2013

    We aim for our libraries to be the focal point of communities providing accessible, relevant and enjoyable services which enhance the quality of life for residents, and open up opportunities for education, employment and participation in the cultural and community life of the borough. In order to do this, we want to understand how residents are using our libraries; what services are most popular, which services could be enhanced, and what services residents would like to see more of in... More
    Closed 22 April 2013
  • How would you improve Beddington Park?

    How would you improve Beddington Park? The Heritage Lottery Fund (HLF) is looking to fund projects that make a lasting difference to heritage, community and people. We are applying to the HLF for up to £3million for Beddington Park. The bid will only be successful if we can show that local people are passionate about their Park and committed to its future. Please help us shape the bid by completing this survey. To find out the results of this survey or if you want to get more... More
    Closed 19 June 2013
  • Butter Hill Traffic Management and Junction Improvement

    In recent years, several problems in the Butter Hill area have been identified by you and funding has now been made available to address these problems. Hence, we have proposed a number of options and remedial measures and would like your opinion and feedback on these proposals. To view the proposals please open the Butter Hill consultation leaflet at the bottom of this page. More
    Closed 21 June 2013
  • Respite Support - Organisations

    Respite care is an essential part of the overall support for unpaid carers and those with care needs helping to sustain the caring relationship, enabling carers to have a life alongside the caring role, promoting health and well being and preventing crises. Respite care encompasses a wide range of different arrangements which are both formal and informal. The common factor is not what type of support is used but its purpose - to provide a break which is a positive experience for the... More
    Closed 12 July 2013
  • Woodcote Green Area - Traffic Management and Junction Improvement Scheme

    Residents in the Woodcote Green Area have expressed their concerns about traffic safety at the junctions of Woodcote Road/ Woodmansterne Lane/Woodcote Green and Woodcote Road/Sandy Lane South/The Drive. These concerns are supported by the number and severity of accidents occurring at these junctions. Funding has been made available to the Council to investigate and address these traffic safety issues. More
    Closed 19 July 2013
  • Accommodation Support

    The Strategy and Resources Committee resolved at their meeting of the 18 March 2013 that officers should consult Voluntary and Community Sector (VCS) organisations in the borough on changes that are being proposed to the Council’s accommodation policy for VCS organisations. In this consultation you will find links to five documents which collectively comprise the consultation materials. Your comments would be welcome on any aspect of the consultation materials, we are however... More
    Closed 31 July 2013
  • Respite Support - Carer/Cared for’s Views

    Respite care is an essential part of the overall support for unpaid carers and those with care needs helping to sustain the caring relationship, enabling carers to have a life alongside the caring role, promoting health and well being and preventing crises. Respite care encompasses a wide range of different arrangements which are both formal and informal. The common factor is not what type of support is used but its purpose - to provide a break which is a positive experience for the... More
    Closed 6 August 2013
  • One Planet Sutton Targets

    Sutton is committed to ensuring our residents are able to live happy, healthy lives in a way which helps to save money and our resources. This is why Sutton committed to becoming a One Planet Living Borough in 2009. Being a One Planet Living Borough means that we are committed to helping residents lead lives that are environmentally, socially and economically sustainable. One Planet Living is our approach to helping Sutton become a fairer, greener, safer borough, for example; to help... More
    Closed 16 August 2013
  • Historic Glass Plate Negatives

    The glass plate collection was rescued from the basement of a Sutton High Street shop, owned by David Knights-Whittome, Edwardian photographer. There are nearly 11,000 plates in the collection of various sizes. They date from c1904 to 1917 – a true representation of the Edwardian period. The smaller plates are generally of people who came to the shop to be photographed for special occasions such as baptisms or perhaps a WW1 soldier having his photograph taken before going off to the... More
    Closed 2 September 2013
  • Licensing Act 2003 Policy Review

    The London Borough of Sutton as Licensing Authority is currently reviewing its policy made under section 5 (1) of the Licensing Act 2005. The current policy has been in place since January 2010 and must be reviewed at least every 5 years. More
    Closed 6 September 2013
  • Care Home Fee Consultation 2014/15

    Reason behind the proposal In 2012 we consulted with providers of care homes with and without nursing about the proposed variation in fees for 2013/14. Most providers recognised that in the current economic climate those changes in fees were necessary to maintain services and fees were therefore varied in accordance with the proposed formula. The public sector continues to face its toughest ever financial challenge. Within ASSHH we have been obliged to achieve a reduction in overall... More
    Closed 20 September 2013
  • Culture in Sutton

    The questionnaire is designed to find out what residents think about the current cultural provision provided by the Council and what other cultural activities residents do at the moment, or what they would like to do in Sutton. To thank you for taking part you will be entered into a prize draw for four tickets to see the pantomime Beauty & The Beast at the Secombe Theatre in Sutton (from the 18th to the 24th December, subject to availability) More
    Closed 15 December 2013
  • Culture in Sutton - Resident's Panel Survey

    The questionnaire is designed to find out what residents think about the current cultural provision provided by the Council and what other cultural activities residents do at the moment, or what they would like to do in Sutton. To thank you for taking part you will be entered into a prize draw for four tickets to see the pantomime Beauty & The Beast at the Secombe Theatre in Sutton (from the 18th to the 24th December, subject to availability) More
    Closed 15 December 2013
  • What is the future of Rosehill?

    Sutton Council has begun a project to strengthen town centres. We will work with traders and community groups to understand our high streets and how they can flourish. In Rosehill we are beginning with a survey to find out what people think about the area. What do you like about Rosehill? What things would you like to see happen here? The results of the survey will help develop ideas. More
    Closed 5 January 2014
  • Extending the use of Sutton Inclusion Centre

    Sutton Inclusion Centre currently operates as a resource centre exclusively for people with learning disabilities & multiple needs. In agreement with Sutton Clinical Commissioning Group (Sutton CCG) the Council is proposing to extend the use of the Centre to all people with disabilities and complex needs in Sutton, the new vision for the Centre is: A resource centre and community hub for adults and young people in Sutton who have disabilities or complex needs Sutton Council is... More
    Closed 13 January 2014
  • Strong Voices for People with Learning Disabilities

    Are you an adult with a learning disability? Do you think your voice is heard? These questions are all about how you are able to speak up about things. We want people with a learning disability to be able to: Make their views known Get better care and support Have more information and power Have services they can use easily Adult Social Services buys a service to do this called the User Involvement Service. At the moment, the service employs... More
    Closed 24 January 2014
  • SEN Proposals Culvers House Primary

    The Council has a duty to secure appropriate special educational provision for pupils with special educational needs and to keep that provision under review. Accordingly, opportunity bases attached to schools are regularly reviewed. At Culvers House, as other schools have increased their capacity to admit disabled children, the demand for the opportunity base has diminished considerably and increasingly it is possible fully to meet the needs of such pupils in their local primary... More
    Closed 14 February 2014
  • Primary School Expansion Programme

    In recent years there has been a marked upturn in the numbers of children born in the Borough. By way of response we have embarked on a programme to increase primary schools’ capacity to meet the additional demand for places, initially at reception year, but in the case of the proposed expansions of the three junior schools, at Year 3 too. This increased demand is projected to be sustained at least up to the end of the decade. The Local Authority has a core duty to ensure there are... More
    Closed 14 February 2014
  • SEN Proposals Sherwood Park Special School

    The Council has a duty to secure appropriate special educational provision for pupils with special educational needs and to keep that provision under review. Accordingly, opportunity bases attached to schools are regularly reviewed. At Culvers House, as other schools have increased their capacity to admit disabled children, the demand for the opportunity base has diminished considerably and increasingly it is possible fully to meet the needs of such pupils in their local... More
    Closed 14 February 2014
  • SEN Proposals Avenue Primary

    The Council has a duty to secure appropriate special educational provision for pupils with special educational needs and to keep that provision under review. Accordingly, opportunity bases attached to schools are regularly reviewed. At Culvers House, as other schools have increased their capacity to admit disabled children, the demand for the opportunity base has diminished considerably and increasingly it is possible fully to meet the needs of such pupils in their local primary... More
    Closed 14 February 2014
  • LA2003 Licensing Policy – Draft for consultation 2014

    The Council's Licensing Policy is currently under review. The attached policy is for formal consultation. Any comments should be made to the Licensing Team at by the 25th February 2014 More
    Closed 25 February 2014
  • Local Flood Risk Management Strategy Survey

    Sutton Council is in the process of developing its Local Flood Risk Management Strategy, a duty it has as the Lead Local Flood Authority as defined in the Flood and Water Management Act 2010. This survey includes questions about your thoughts about flood risk in Sutton and its management, as well as providing the opportunity for you to inform us about flooding events which have happened in the past. The latter will improve our local knowledge dataset and will be used to validate the... More
    Closed 30 April 2014
  • Council Tax Leaflet Survey

    Every year, with the annual council tax bill, Sutton Council sends out an information booklet about the council, services provided and explains how your payments make a difference. We want to find out how useful this booklet is, if people read it and what people find useful. By completing the survey, you will be entered into a prize draw to win £50 More
    Closed 18 May 2014
  • Cheam Common Junior SN Complete Proposal

    In recent years there has been a marked upturn in the numbers of children born in the Borough. By way of response we have embarked on a programme to increase primary schools’ capacity to meet the additional demand for places, initially at reception year, but in the case of the proposed expansions of the three junior schools, at Year 3 too. This increased demand is projected to be sustained at least up to the end of the decade. The Local Authority has a core duty to ensure there are... More
    Closed 19 May 2014
  • St Elpheges Junior SN Complete Proposal

    In recent years there has been a marked upturn in the numbers of children born in the Borough. By way of response we have embarked on a programme to increase primary schools’ capacity to meet the additional demand for places, initially at reception year, but in the case of the proposed expansions of the three junior schools, at Year 3 too. This increased demand is projected to be sustained at least up to the end of the decade. The Local Authority has a core duty to ensure there are... More
    Closed 19 May 2014
  • Culvers House Primary SN Complete Proposal

    The Council has a duty to secure appropriate special educational provision for pupils with special educational needs and to keep that provision under review. Accordingly, opportunity bases attached to schools are regularly reviewed. At Culvers House, as other schools have increased their capacity to admit disabled children, the demand for the opportunity base has diminished considerably and increasingly it is possible fully to meet the needs of such pupils in their local primary... More
    Closed 19 May 2014
  • Avenue Primary SN Complete Proposal

    The Council has a duty to secure appropriate special educational provision for pupils with special educational needs and to keep that provision under review. Accordingly, opportunity bases attached to schools are regularly reviewed. At Culvers House, as other schools have increased their capacity to admit disabled children, the demand for the opportunity base has diminished considerably and increasingly it is possible fully to meet the needs of such pupils in their local primary... More
    Closed 19 May 2014
403 results. Page 4 of 14