Respite Support - Carer/Cared for’s Views

Closed 6 Aug 2013

Opened 20 May 2013


Respite care is an essential part of the overall support for unpaid carers and those with care needs helping to sustain the caring relationship, enabling carers to have a life alongside the caring role, promoting health and well being and preventing crises.

Respite care encompasses a wide range of different arrangements which are both formal and informal. The common factor is not what type of support is used but its purpose - to provide a break which is a positive experience for the person with care needs and the carer.

Adult Social Services currently directly commissions a number of services that can be used to give respite support for adults with care needs and carers. As Adult Social Services has changed with the introduction of self directed support and personal budget arrangements we need review our approach to commissioning respite support and look at the services we currently commission, as well as the wider market. In order to do this, we want to understand how people currently access and use respite support, what type of support is most useful, and what could be improved or changed.

For the purposes of this consultation we are defining respite as:

“An arrangement (whether informal or a paid service) put in place for the specific purpose of providing a break in caring responsibilities for an unpaid carer”

By participating in this consultation and telling us what works and what doesn’t work, you will be helping to shape the future respite support for adults in Sutton.

Why your views matter

We know there are a number of different ways that people organise a break from their caring role and we want to make sure that the support people need and want is available locally – this does not necessarily mean council-arranged services. If you organise your own respite support with family and friends or you use more formal respite services we want to hear your experience, if you are happy with the support that is currently available or if you have an idea for improvement. We will use the results to help us shape our approach to commissioning respite support and will use your feedback to decide what type of services are needed for Sutton Citizens.


  • Belmont
  • Carshalton Central
  • Cheam
  • Stonecot
  • Sutton Central
  • Sutton North
  • Sutton South
  • The Wrythe
  • Wallington North
  • Wallington South


  • Citizens panel
  • Community groups / organisations
  • Faith groups
  • Staff
  • Voluntary groups / organisations
  • All residents


  • Well-being
  • Carers support
  • Disability
  • General health
  • Health services and facilities
  • Mental health
  • Social services and social care