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403 results

  • Cycling Delivery Strategy

    Sutton Council has been a great supporter of sustainable transport over the years. This has included publishing a new Sustainable Transport Strategy last year and achieving a 75% increase in cycling during its Smarter Travel Sutton project which ran from 2006 to 2009. Sutton Council is also a supporter of the Mayor of London's Vision for Cycling and has recently been promised funds by Transport for London for two Quietway routes from Morden to Sutton and Worcester Park to Croydon. ... More
    Closed 7 September 2015
  • Sustainability Appraisal Scoping Report

    The Council is preparing a new Local Plan to shape the future development of the Borough over the next 10-15 years. Under the planning regulations, the Council is required to carry out sustainability appraisal (SA) to ensure that the plan meets the environmental, economic and social aims of sustainable development. The SA Scoping Report has been published by the Council for public consultation for a 5 week period from 23 July to 27 August 2015. The report sets out key sustainability issues... More
    Closed 10 September 2015
  • Proposed Expansion of Cheam Park Farm Infants and Junior School

    The Governing Bodies of Cheam Park Farm Infants School and Cheam Park Farm Junior School, in partnership with Sutton Borough Council, are proposing that both schools permanently increase their Published Admission Numbers from 105 to 120. With respect to the infants school, this would increase the total capacity of the school from 315 to 360 – 45 additional pupils. With respect to the junior school it would increase the capacity of the school from 420 to 480 – 60 additional pupils. ... More
    Closed 5 October 2015
  • Wellfield South Conservation Grazing - Phase 2 Consultation

    Conservation Grazing Proposal The London Borough of Sutton Biodiversity Team has been grazing Wellfield Grasslands (East and West) for over 10 years, with great success and with the support of our neighbours. With 79% of respondents of an initial consultation feeling that grazing Wellfield South was acceptable in principle, we have developed 3 options to see how members of the public feel about the proposals. We need overall agreement from respondents to proceed with grazing, so... More
    Closed 9 October 2015
  • Proposed expansion of Manor Park Primary School

    As you may be aware, there has been a rising demand for primary school places in the Borough in recent years. This could continue for the foreseeable future. We have increased the number of primary school places in the Borough starting with the first phase of the Primary Expansion Programme in September 2011. Since then over 4000 additional primary places have been created. Despite all of this work demand for primary school places continues to be significant and further primary... More
    Closed 19 October 2015
  • NHS Health Checks Survey

    The NHS Health Check is a sophisticated check of your heart health. Aimed at adults in England aged 40 to 74, it checks your vascular or circulatory health and works out your risk of developing some of the most disabling – but preventable – illnesses. The objective of this campaign is to raise awareness of the importance and benefits of NHS Health Checks to 40 – 74 year olds in Sutton. Please get involved by completing this survey which will help us understand your perception of... More
    Closed 22 November 2015
  • Sutton's Children's Centre Phase 2 Consultation

    The council are consulting residents for a second time on the future of Children’s Centre delivery. Having previously consulted on options and models the Council has taken these views into account and would now like to hear resident’s views on new proposals around the model and service delivery. Unprecedented reductions in Council funding from Central Government mean we have to save £74m between 2010 and 2019. That’s almost half our current annual... More
    Closed 5 December 2015
  • Youth and Adolescent Services Consultation

    Unprecedented reductions in funding for local authority budgets mean we have to save £74m between 2010 and 2019. That’s almost half our current annual budget. So far the council has saved £43m from the annual budget, £11m of this has been saved with your help since we launched Sutton’s Future in July 2014. We now have £31m more to save. Just over £9 million of this saving is to be made from Children’s Services. As a result, the Youth and Adolescent Service has had to... More
    Closed 13 December 2015
  • Sutton's Library Service

    The reductions in funding to the Council from central government mean that Sutton Council will have to save a further £31m from its annual budget by 2019. The Council believes that this cannot be done without looking at other ways to deliver its services. As part of the cost-cutting measures, the Council has identified £1m of savings from the annual libraries, heritage and arts budget which currently stands at £4.4m. We would like to hear the views of residents and other library users... More
    Closed 16 December 2015
  • Heart of Hackbridge controlled crossings consultation

    Previous work and consultations with residents and traders produced a scheme to improve the look and appeal of Hackbridge as a place, and help create a thriving small town centre. The scheme was funded by Sutton Council and the GLA and included the introduction of step free access to shops, new shop fronts, the creation of wide pedestrian areas, the addition of seating and planting, the introduction of stop and shop parking and disabled parking bays. It also included the addition of a... More
    Closed 18 December 2015
  • Sutton Local Offer Social Care

    From September 2014 every Local Authority will be required to publish information about services they expect to be available in their area for children and young people from birth to 25 who have special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND); and also services outside of the area which they expect children and young people from their area will use. This will be known as the ‘Local Offer’. (Please click below on the 'Guidance for providers to complete the Social Care survey' to... More
    Closed 31 December 2015
  • Your School Local Offer - Secondary

    All Sutton schools pledge to follow a similar approach to meet the needs of all pupils, including those with special educational needs. We expect that all pupils, whatever their specific needs, should receive inclusive teaching so they can make the best possible progress in school, and feel that they are a valued member of the wider school community. Pleas take time to read the Code of Practice notes and Top Tips for presenting your local offer, in the Secondary Requirements... More
    Closed 31 December 2015
  • Your School Local Offer - Primary

    All Sutton schools pledge to follow a similar approach to meet the needs of all pupils, including those with special educational needs. We expect that all pupils, whatever their specific needs, should receive inclusive teaching so they can make the best possible progress in school, and feel that they are a valued member of the wider school community. Please take time to read the Code of Practice notes and Top Tips for presenting your local offer, in the Primary Requirements document... More
    Closed 31 December 2015
  • Local offer health service provider

    From September 2014 every Local Authority will be required to publish information about services they expect to be available in their area for children and young people from birth to 25 who have special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND); and also services outside of the area which they expect children and young people from their area will use. This will be known as the ‘Local Offer’. (Please click below on the 'Guidance for providers to complete the health survey' to read... More
    Closed 31 December 2015
  • SUTTON Local Offer – Post 16 template

    The post-16 education and training landscape is very diverse. It encompasses school sixth forms (both mainstream and special schools), sixth form colleges, general further education (FE) colleges, 16-19 academies, special post-16 institutions, and vocational learning and training providers in the private or voluntary sector. The range of available study programmes is broad and includes AS/A-levels, vocational qualifications at all levels, apprenticeships, traineeships, supported internships... More
    Closed 31 December 2015
  • Special Schools Local Offer

    All Sutton schools pledge to follow a similar approach to meet the needs of all pupils, including those with special educational needs. We expect that all pupils, whatever their specific needs, should receive inclusive teaching so they can make the best possible progress in school, and feel that they are a valued member of the wider school community. Please take time to read the Code of Practice notes and Top Tips for presenting your local offer, in the Special Schools Requirements... More
    Closed 31 December 2015
  • Early Years Settings Local Offer

    All Sutton schools pledge to follow a similar approach to meet the needs of all pupils, including those with special educational needs. We expect that all pupils, whatever their specific needs, should receive inclusive teaching so they can make the best possible progress in school, and feel that they are a valued member of the wider school community. Please take time to read the Code of Practice notes and Top Tips for presenting your local offer, in the Early Years Settings... More
    Closed 31 December 2015
  • Sutton Family Information Service Satisfaction Survey 2015

    Sutton Family Information Service recently sent you information about childcare or services in your area. We hope that the information was helpful to you. Please complete this online survey to let us know how we did. The information you provide will help us to plan and deliver a quality service. Your details will remain confidential and will not be passed on to any other organisations. Thank you More
    Closed 31 December 2015
  • Sutton Family Information Survey 2015-16

    Sutton Family Information Service are reviewing the information that they hold and provide on activities, childcare providers and services. Please complete this online survey to let us know what types of information you would like, how you would like to access it and how you might search for it online. The information you provide will help us to develop our systems and provide families with the right information. Your details will remain confidential and will not be passed on to any... More
    Closed 31 January 2016
  • Sutton's Care Act Consultation

    Sutton’s Future As a result of unprecedented cuts from the government, Sutton Council needs to save £74m from its annual budget by 2019. We have already saved £43m through increasing efficiency, sharing services and changing some services, however, we must save a further £31m by 2019. It is becoming harder every year to find ways of making the savings. We are now having to make some difficult decisions about whether to keep, reduce or change services or stop them. There will... More
    Closed 23 February 2016
  • Enhanced Housing Options Website User Feedback 2015

    The enhanced housing options website provides information and advice on housing, homeless prevention, jobs & training. It provides a personal action plan and next steps to enable users to resolve their own housing situation. If you have completed an online housing options assessment we would like to find out more about your experience using the website. More
    Closed 31 March 2016
  • Autistic Spectrum Disorder (ASD) Place Numbers Consultation - Glenthorne High School

    To consult on a formal proposal to: (a) Reduce the number of places commissioned for pupils with Autistic Spectrum Disorder (ASD) at Glenthorne High School from 25 places per annum to 15 places per annum (b) To implement the proposed change in the number of places to be commissioned from the beginning of September 2016 More
    Closed 1 April 2016
  • Moderate Learning Difficulties (MLD) Place Numbers Consultation - Amy Johnson Primary and Avenue Primary Schools

    To consult on a formal proposal to: (a) Reduce the number of places commissioned for pupils with MLD at Avenue Primary from 12 places per annum to no places per annum (and move 2 MLD places to Amy Johnson Primary to retain an overall MLD capacity of 12 places); OR (b) Reduce the number of places commissioned for pupils with MLD at Amy Johnson Primary from 10 places per annum to no places per annum; (c) To... More
    Closed 1 April 2016
  • Sutton's Local Plan Consultation

    The Sutton Local Plan is a development plan document and is part of the Government’s planning policy system, which was introduced by the Planning and Compulsory Purchase Act in 2004. The purpose of the Sutton Local Plan is twofold: To set out and deliver the council’s long-term aims and aspirations for the borough; and To provide a consistent basis for deciding planning applications It deals with subjects such as: major new regeneration areas, new housing... More
    Closed 8 April 2016
  • Sutton Information, Advice and Support Service - Spring 2016

    The main purpose of the Sutton Information, Advice and Support Service is to support you and ensure that you are actively involved in all decisions about your child’s education. As you used the service during the Spring 2016 term we are asking you to complete the feedback survey. Your answers will help us to make sure that we offer the highest quality service to parents and carers. Specifically we would welcome any particular comments you would like to make. All your comments will... More
    Closed 21 April 2016
  • Chief Executive's Roadshows 2016 feedback

    Between 27 June to 13 July seven roadshows were hosted by Niall, Chief Executive. The Roadshows were the start of a series of conversations about the borough and what it means to work for, and at Sutton as we continue to change. Now that the roadshows have come to a close, please tell us what you thought of them and how they can be improved. The survey will only take five minutes of your time to complete and is anonymous. The survey will close on 30 July 2016, if... More
    Closed 5 August 2016
  • One Planet Sutton: Waste and Recycling Survey

    One Planet Sutton is a vision for the borough where people lead happy, healthy lives with a fair share of the Earth’s resources. Sutton Council has committed to becoming a One Planet Borough by 2025. The council is working in partnership with a wide range of local voluntary and community groups to deliver this vision under the themes of cutting carbon emissions, cutting waste, valuing our natural environment, supporting healthy communities and supporting the local economy. The ... More
    Closed 24 August 2016
  • Bin your rubbish and raise money for charity

    This year, we are partnering with Keep Britain Tidy to run an innovative campaign to encourage people to bin their rubbish rather than drop it on the floor. The scheme is funded by Keep Britain Tidy, and works by turning bins into charity collection pots, the more rubbish put in the bins, the more money the charity receives. The bins will be placed along Carshalton High Street in the coming months, and we would like your thoughts on which local charity we should support. ... More
    Closed 31 August 2016
  • Sutton's Future

    Unprecedented cuts to local authority budgets mean we have to save £74m between 2010 and 2019. That’s almost half our current annual budget. So far the council has saved £43m from the annual budget, £11m of this has been saved with your help since we launched Sutton’s Future in July 2014. More
    Closed 8 September 2016
  • Sutton Information, Advice and Support Service - Summer 2016

    The main purpose of the Sutton Information, Advice and Support Service is to support you and ensure that you are actively involved in all decisions about your child’s education. As you used the service during the Summer 2016 term we are asking you to complete the feedback survey. Your answers will help us to make sure that we offer the highest quality service to parents and carers. Specifically we would welcome any particular comments you would like to make. All your comments will... More
    Closed 16 September 2016
403 results. Page 6 of 14