Moderate Learning Difficulties (MLD) Place Numbers Consultation - Amy Johnson Primary and Avenue Primary Schools

Closed 1 Apr 2016

Opened 22 Feb 2016

Results expected 25 Apr 2016


To consult on a formal proposal to:
(a) Reduce the number of places commissioned for pupils with MLD at Avenue Primary from 12 places per annum to no places per annum (and move 2 MLD places to Amy Johnson Primary to retain an overall MLD capacity of 12 places);
(b) Reduce the number of places commissioned for pupils with MLD at Amy Johnson Primary from 10 places per annum to no places per annum;
(c) To implement the proposed change in the number of MLD places to be commissioned from the beginning of September 2016; 
(d) To replace the decommissioned MLD places with commissioning an additional 10 primary ASD places.


Why your views matter

On reviewing the take up by Sutton of the places commissioned in maintained school specialist bases, the MLD bases at both Avenue Primary and Amy Johnson Primary were highlighted as base where there had been considerable under-occupancy recently. On that basis, the Local Authority are proposing to reduce the number of MLD places commissioned to be more in line with actual take up recently.
The review of capacity and take up also noted that the number of primary ASD students in specialist bases on mainstream sites was greater than the number of places actually commissioned in 2 of the three existing primary school bases. Therefore, the review considered that the unused MLD place funding which might be released from reducing the number of MLD places commissioned could then be available to commission additional primary ASD places where the demand is exceptionally high compared to capacity.
The Local Authority believes that the proposed reduction in MLD places it intends to commission from either Avenue Primary or Amy Johnson Primary:
  • would still leave enough places to meet demand overall assuming one of the two bases remained;
  • would mean there were still enough places being commissioned from the remaining MLD base to make the provision financially and educationally sustainable;
  • could be achieved with minimal disruption to the provision for students already placed in the respective MLD bases;
  • and would free up place funding to then commission additional primary ASD provision.



  • Belmont
  • Carshalton Central
  • Cheam
  • Stonecot
  • Sutton Central
  • Sutton North
  • Sutton South
  • The Wrythe
  • Wallington North
  • Wallington South


  • Staff
  • Expert stakeholders
  • General public
  • Neighbouring authorities
  • Parents, carers and guardians
  • Service users
  • Stakeholders


  • Education