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397 results

  • Response Form for The Draft South London Waste Plan Consultation

    The Draft South London Waste Plan 2021-2036, sets out the councils’ strategy for waste management and waste facilities across the four boroughs. It safeguards sites to ensure that the councils’ national policy requirements and London Plan targets are met. It includes policies to guide waste facility development across the area, which are to be used for deciding planning applications. Links to the South London Waste Plan and the Sustainability Appraisal can be found at the bottom of... More
    Opened 4 September 2020
  • Rosehill Business Engagement Questionnaire

    We want to work with businesses and the community to shape Rosehill's future. Sutton Council is undertaking this survey following on from the Rosehill Area Renewal engagement completed in March 2020, when residents told us they wanted us to improve the local shopping offer and facilities. More
    Opened 17 August 2020
  • New Home Survey

    This survey is for the main tenant of the new council properties in Iden Terrace and Denyer Close Carshalton to answer. Your home was one of the first council houses to be built in Sutton in many years, supporting our ambitious aim to make the borough a great place to live, work and raise a family. We are keen to understand your views and experiences of living in your new home. Please take part in this survey to tell us what you think. It should take no more than 10 minutes to complete... More
    Opened 31 July 2020
  • Neighbourhood Fund

    What is the Neighbourhood Fund? When developers create new housing, flats or retail space in Sutton they pay a levy to the Council. This money is to improve infrastructure within the borough, with a portion of this used specifically to improve local areas in consultation with residents, in Sutton we call this the Neighbourhood Fund . Neighbourhood Fund Projects should help address the demands which development can place on local areas. This funding is not to be confused with... More
    Opened 6 July 2020
  • Cycleway between Sutton High Street and Colliers Wood - Proposals in Sutton

    This consultation focuses on measures to improve facilities on the Cycleway route between Grennell Road, from Rosehill Park East, and Sutton High Street, via Lodge Place. A resident survey undertaken in the Elgin Road / Benhill Wood Road area in June 2017 found: 65% of respondents felt there was too much traffic in the area 70% of people thought the borough should be doing more to address air quality 87% of respondents thought that more should be done to encourage... More
    Opened 25 February 2020
  • Climate Emergency Survey

    In July 2019, Sutton Council declared a climate emergency and agreed a target of reducing carbon emissions in the borough to zero. Urgent action is required to stop the worst effects of climate change on Sutton, and on the world. More
    Opened 19 February 2020
  • Residential Electric Vehicle charging points survey

    We have a target to use Sutton's network of street lighting columns to deliver at least 51 new electric vehicle charging points across the borough by the end of 2020. We are also working to expand the network of Source London fast charging points in the borough. Our aim is to provide a range of charging points for residents, businesses and visitors to the borough. The proposals align with our ambitious aims to reduce motor vehicle journeys, improve air quality and to help... More
    Opened 5 February 2020
  • Domestic Abuse in Sutton - February 2020

    Sutton Council would like to hear your opinion to better understand views towards domestic abuse and local services in the community. We want to find out how we can continue to improve services and make sure that it is easy for residents to access the support they might need, at the right time. This survey is completely optional and confidential; you will not be asked to provide your name. You are being asked to complete this survey as part of a random sample of Sutton residents.... More
    Opened 4 February 2020
  • Rosehill Area Renewal

    We want to work with you and your community to shape Rosehill's future. Have your say about Rosehill: What do you love about it? What would you like to change? And which changes would have the biggest impact on your life? Between January and February 2020, we are focusing on the physical side of your area. We're asking you and your community to let us know how we can change your area to make your life easier. Share your thoughts and help shape your area. More
    Opened 20 January 2020
  • Best Start in Life for Parents/Carers Survey

    The London Borough of Sutton (LBS) and Sutton Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG) are reviewing services for families with children under five years old to ensure they can have the ‘Best Start in Life.’ LBS and Sutton CCG are committed to ensuring that services reflect the priorities of local families and the needs of their children. More
    Opened 10 January 2020
  • Community Safety Survey

    The purpose of this survey is to ask residents their views about community safety issues such as crime, disorder and anti-social behaviour amongst other local issues, to help identify priorities across Sutton. More
    Opened 18 December 2019
  • Council Tax Reduction New Claims Survey

    We are looking for feedback on our new claims process to ensure we provide a high level of service to our residents. More
    Opened 13 December 2019
  • Street Trading Consultation

    Sutton Council are reviewing the street trading policy which applies to trading on or near the street. The review looks to establish a new process for managing what traders are selling, reviewing the conditions that apply to trading licences and consider the areas within which trading is permitted in the centre of Sutton. When street trading is managed well, it adds variety and vibrancy to the local area, as well as creating jobs and allowing entrepreneurs the opportunity to start... More
    Opened 1 December 2019
  • Green Lane, Worester Park - Proposed Fixed Bus Stops

    This is an informal consultation, we would like your feedback on the proposed measures by 24 November 2019. A summary of the responses received will be presented to the local ward councillors and you will be notified of the outcome. More
    Opened 4 November 2019
  • Affordable Housing and Financial Viability Supplementary Planning Document

    The council is seeking your views on the new Affordable Housing and Financial Viability Supplementary Planning Document (SPD), which has been prepared to explain the Council’s approach to affordable housing and viability to local residents, applicants, developers and anyone with an interest in the process. The document gives details of how the Council will apply the Local Plan’s affordable housing policy in relation to development viability when determining planning applications. It... More
    Opened 31 October 2019
  • Issues and Preferred Options Document for the South London Waste Plan

    This is an Issues and Preferred Options consultation document for the development of a new South London Waste Plan, a joint plan covering the London Boroughs of Sutton, Croydon, Merton and Kingston for the period 2021-2036. The South London Waste Plan will set out policies and safeguard sites for waste facilities across the four boroughs, and will be used for the determination of planning applications relating to waste facilities. The document provides a number of updates to the... More
    Opened 31 October 2019
  • Council Tax Reduction Scheme 2019

    On 1 April 2013 Council Tax Benefit was replaced by a localised Council Tax Reduction scheme in all councils . This meant that councils in England could design their own Council Tax Reduction scheme as it was felt they would be better suited to develop a scheme to reflect the needs of the community. These changes apply to working-age claimants only, as pensioners can be no worse off than they would have been under the Council Tax benefit scheme Sutton’s Council Tax Reduction scheme... More
    Opened 23 September 2019
  • Sutton Town Centre Public Realm Design Guide

    The London Borough of Sutton is consulting on its Draft Sutton Town Centre Public Realm Design Guide and would welcome your views on the draft document. In particular, we would like to hear from you on the place-based projects (Chapter 3) and the town centre-wide projects (Chapter 4). The draft Guide sets out projects and guidelines to improve the streetscene within Sutton Town Centre. It has been produced to take advantage of the opportunity for improvement that is occurring as... More
    Opened 12 September 2019
  • Sutton Liveable Neighbourhoods - funding bid

    We would like your feedback and ideas to improve travel options within your neighbourhood as well as access to Sutton town centre to help inform the development of a funding bid. Background As part of Sutton Council’s ongoing commitment to make the Borough ‘a great place to live, work and raise a family’, we are preparing a bid to Transport for London for Liveable Neighbourhoods funding to encourage walking, cycling and the use of public transport. If successful, we hope... More
    Opened 9 September 2019
  • London Borough of Culture bid: Sutton 2023 - Make culture matter

    We’ve been thinking about what we could do to capture the collective imagination of our residents, partner organisations and businesses. In a time of austerity and budget cuts, how can we celebrate and share our diverse cultures and values? In the year of the fiftieth anniversary of the moon landing, when cutting edge science entered mainstream culture, we had one standout idea. A bid to become the London Borough of Culture 2023. This is an exciting opportunity. Sutton is a... More
    Opened 6 September 2019
  • The InnOvaTe Project - The Challenge to growth in your business?

    What is the ‘’Internet Of Things’’ project? The Internet of Things is the idea of connecting a network of devices (small electronic sensors) which obtain and share data wirelessly for a specific outcome. The South London Partnership is working with London Councils to deliver an "Internet of Things" (IoT) project across the five South London councils of Croydon, Kingston upon Thames, Merton, Richmond upon Thames and Sutton. This initiative was awarded £4m funding by... More
    Opened 8 August 2019
  • Parks and Open Spaces Strategy - Consultation on Draft Strategy- July-Sept 2019

    The Council has produced a draft Parks and Open Spaces Strategy available here. A short document summarising the vision, objectives, policies and actions is also available here. The Council is now seeking your views about the strategy to ensure that the changes to the service meet your expectations and deliver what you think is important. More
    Opened 30 July 2019
  • Kingsmead Avenue/Sparrow Farm Road Area

    The Cheam North and Worcester Park Local Committee has agreed to consult residents in the Kingsmead Avenue / Sparrow Farm Road area on proposals to make the roads more pleasant places and easier to walk and cycle safely for residents, pedestrians and cyclists. The aim of the scheme is to encourage more people to walk or cycle by reducing the speed and volume of traffic and provide more crossing facilities in the area. More
    Opened 27 June 2019
  • Willow Walk

    The Cheam North and Worcester Park Local Committee has agreed to consult residents in the area on a traffic scheme to re-locate the existing road closure in Willow Walk as a result of a request from a local business. The Council supports local businesses and aims to ensure the transport network meets the needs of the local economy. More
    Opened 27 June 2019
  • Sutton Town Centre Conservation Area Character Appraisal & Management Plan Consultation

    The council wants your opinions on an updated Sutton Town Centre Conservation Area Character Appraisal with a new Management Plan to ensure only development of the very highest quality takes place in the town centre. In May 2011, the Council designated the Sutton Town Centre High Street Crossroads Conservation Area (“Crossroads Conservation Area”) and produced a character appraisal setting out how the area was notable in heritage terms. In April 2017, the Sutton Town... More
    Opened 28 May 2019
  • Carshalton Village Conservation Area Character Appraisal & Management Plan Consultation

    The council is seeking your views on an updated Carshalton Village Conservation Area Character Appraisal with a new Management Plan to ensure only development of the very highest quality takes place in the village. A Carshalton Conservation Area Character Appraisal was first adopted by the council in 2007. It identified the character and appearance of the conservation area, as well as the buildings and key elements that make important contributions to the historical quality of the... More
    Opened 28 May 2019
  • Wordsworth Road/Lavender Vale - Proposed No Entry Plug

    The London borough of Sutton has secured funding from Transport for London (TfL) for the year 2019/20 to address concerns about traffic and road safety in Foresters Drive between Sandy Lane South and Mollison Drive. We are intending to introduce various measures to improve road safety along the entire Foresters Drive, the first of which we are proposing below. Site observations have indicated that traffic exiting Wordsworth Road at its junction with Foresters Drive obstruct movements... More
    Opened 2 May 2019
  • Western Road/Tate Road - Proposed improvements outside Homefield Preparatory School

    The Sutton local area committee has agreed for officers to carry out improvements outside Homefield preparatory school in Western Road at its junction with Tate Road. Funding for the scheme has been secured from Transport for London (TfL) to address concerns raised by the school regarding unacceptable traffic speeds and difficulty in crossing the road outside the school. More
    Opened 26 March 2019
  • Windsor Avenue Area

    The Cheam North and Worcester Park Local Committee has agreed to consult residents in the Windsor Avenue area on proposals to improve the environment for residents, pedestrians, cyclists and users of public transport. The aim of the scheme is to encourage more people to walk, cycle or use public transport instead of using their car for local journeys. This year there is funding available from Transport for London to carry out a consultation with residents on a few measures that... More
    Opened 22 February 2019
  • Local Committee Review

    As a council we want to ensure residents have a chance to influence decisions in their local area. We want the chance to understand what would be the best way for you to get involved? One of the ways we currently do this is via Local Committees which are currently a key part of the Council’s mechanism to enable residents to engage and influence the decisions of the Council and their commitment to the 2011 Localism Act . To find out more about the current Local Committees... More
    Opened 11 February 2019
397 results. Page 5 of 14