Woodcote Green Area - Traffic Management and Junction Improvement Scheme
Residents in the Woodcote Green Area have expressed their concerns about traffic safety at the junctions of Woodcote Road/ Woodmansterne Lane/Woodcote Green and Woodcote Road/Sandy Lane South/The Drive. These concerns are supported by the number and severity of accidents occurring at these junctions. Funding has been made available to the Council to investigate and address these traffic safety issues.
Why your views matter
We have proposed a number of traffic calming measures and would like your opinion and feedback on these proposals. We would greatly appreciate if you could print off, complete and return the consultation questionnaire.
What happens next
- Your feedback will be assessed, analysed and the outcome will be consulted with your ward councillors.
- Where possible, we will incorporate your suggestions into the detailed design and the final design will be agreed in discussion with the ward councillors.
- A report incorporating the results of this consultation, together with the agreed design, will be presented to Beddington and Wallington Local Committee on 1 October 2013.
- An approved scheme is anticipated to commence on site in November 2013.
Public Exhibition
From 4 Jul 2013 at 19:00 to 4 Jul 2013 at 21:00We are holding a public exhibition in the Wallington High School for Girls, so you have the chance to discuss the proposals with a Council engineer in person. This is a great opportunity to ask questions and discuss related issues before completing and returning the questionnaire.
- Wallington South
- All residents
- Councillors / MPs / MEPs
- Older people
- Stakeholders
- Young People
- Children and young people
- Older people's issues
- Resident satisfaction
- Environment
- Traffic and transportation
- Environmental health
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