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403 results

  • Market Place Sutton

    The London Borough of Sutton has appointed a team of consultants and artists to deliver public realm, shop front improvements, upper floor façade treatment and events coordination for Market Place Sutton, the section of High Street between Marshall’s Road and Benhill Road. The local community’s involvement in the process of transforming the High Street is one of the core aspects of this project. The Crafternoon in the Alleyways event held on the 10 th of September involved two... More
    Closed 23 September 2016
  • Council Tax Reduction Scheme Consultation

    What is the local council tax reduction scheme? In April 2013, council tax benefit was replaced by a local council tax reduction scheme. People who are entitled to a council tax reduction pay less council tax. Previously the council received a grant from the Government to cover the entire cost of the Scheme. Under the current council tax reduction scheme there is a shortfall in funding from the Government. From 01 April 2013 the Council adopted a scheme that was very... More
    Closed 9 October 2016
  • Future Structure of Alternative Provision

    The Borough is very fortunate in having two successful Pupil Referral Units (PRUs) - Limes College and Sutton Tuition and Reintegration Service (STARS), both judged good or outstanding by OfSTED in recent years. This strength in provision has supported the excellent alternative education provision within the borough, with expertise in the PRUs supporting the high aspirations of schools. The PRUs are well placed to take on additional challenges, with validation of the high quality of... More
    Closed 18 November 2016
  • Dedicated Schools Grant Savings Options

    In the last three years, the Sutton Schools Forum has received a number of reports from Local Authority officers which consistently highlighted increasing cost pressures within Sutton’s Dedicated Schools Grant. These reports led Schools Forum to instruct the Forum Formula Review Group to work with LA officers to consider ways in which these cost pressures might be managed and addressed. Following meetings between LA officers, Headteacher Representatives and Governor... More
    Closed 30 November 2016
  • DSG Top-Up Provision for Special Educational Needs

    In 2014, the Local Authority proposed a series of changes to top-up rates for pupils with a variety of Special Educational Needs. At the time those proposals focused simply on the rate itself. There was no rationale given for how those rates had been ‘calculated’. The overwhelming response from schools was that it was difficult to provide any reasoned response to the proposals when it was based on what appeared to be an arbitrary figure. Schools were also clear... More
    Closed 2 December 2016
  • Sutton Family Information Service Satisfaction Survey 2016

    Sutton Family Information Service recently sent you information about childcare or services in your area. We hope that the information was helpful to you. Please complete this online survey to let us know how we did. The information you provide will help us to plan and deliver a quality service. Your details will remain confidential and will not be passed on to any other organisations. Thank you More
    Closed 31 December 2016
  • Angel Hill Consultation

    The London Borough of Sutton has secured Local Implementation Plan (LIP) funding from Transport for London (TfL), to carry out improvements to the Angel Hill Junction (junction with All Saints Road and Sutton Common Road). Residents had told the Council about the lack of pedestrian facilities at the Angel Hill junction. The Council therefore applied for funding to investigate a proposal with a view to implementing the proposal subject to the outcome of the investigation. Specialist... More
    Closed 8 January 2017
  • Your Views on Recycling

    Throughout July our awesome waste advisors Craig Brice (pictured below) and Dan Knight walked the streets of Sutton, knocking on resident’s doors to ask them to take the recycling trigger test. The trigger test was a bespoke application where residents were shown pictures of 35 household items on an iPad to test their recycling knowledge. Residents had to swipe right if they thought an item was non-recyclable, and left if they thought it was recyclable (…remind you of anything?). They... More
    Closed 19 January 2017
  • Early Years Funding Formula Consultation

    The Government promised to provide additional funding to early years providers to help recognise the costs of delivering the existing entitlement as well as to encourage providers to offer the new 30 hours entitlement. Proposals for a new National Early Years Funding Formula were consulted upon by the Government earlier in 2016. More recently in December 2016 the Government published its response to the consultation setting out its guidance on how Local Authorities should allocate... More
    Closed 24 January 2017
  • Your views of childcare

    If you have a child or children aged birth to 14 years (or up to the age of 18 years if your child has a disability) then please complete this questionnaire The London Borough of Sutton is researching the availability of childcare for families and would value your views to ensure that all parents have choice and flexibility in balancing family and work life. Childcare is defined as supervised care by an adult other than the parent or carer; for school-age children it relates to out of... More
    Closed 13 February 2017
  • Sutton Information, Advice and Support Service - Autumn 2016

    The main purpose of the Sutton Information, Advice and Support Service is to support you and ensure that you are actively involved in all decisions about your child’s education. As you used the service during the Autumn 2016 term we are asking you to complete the feedback survey. Your answers will help us to make sure that we offer the highest quality service to parents and carers. Specifically we would welcome any particular comments you would like to make. All your comments will... More
    Closed 24 February 2017
  • Sutton 2031 Draft Local Plan Consultation

    The Local Plan is a key planning document that sets out the spatial vision for the development of the borough up to 2031. It focuses on the key issues facing Sutton, identifies development needs and the strategy and opportunities for addressing them. It provides detailed policies against which the council will determine planning applications for development proposals. It also includes allocated sites. Between 9th January 2017 and 24th February 2017 the council is consulting on this... More
    Closed 26 February 2017
  • Beddington Workspace & Innovation Centre Consultation

    Sutton Council in partnership with the Mayor of London is undertaking a study for a new workspace and innovation centre at 30-32 Beddington Lane. This initiative forms part of the wider Beddington Programme led by Sutton Council. The site is presently used as a builders’ merchant’s yard across from Beddington Village Hall. Working together with Architects RCKa we have ambitious plans to transform the site for local people and businesses, creating a place the community can be... More
    Closed 26 February 2017
  • Patient and Public Engagement Consultation

    The Health and Wellbeing Board must produce, consult and publish a Pharmaceutical Needs Assessment every three years. The document intends to deliver a comprehensive assessment of the current and future pharmaceutical needs of the local population. As part of the assessment we are asking local residents to complete the following survey to give us your views on your local pharmacy provision. The results from this survey will contribute to the conclusions drawn within the needs assessment.... More
    Closed 28 February 2017
  • The Beddington Programme - travel and transport survey for businesses

    We have secured the first phase of funding from Transport for London (TfL), to make improvements in the Beddington area. Our work will focus particularly on and near Hilliers Lane and Beddington Lane, but also includes the Beddington industrial area and residential areas such as Beddington Village. The project’s aim is to make the local environment more attractive, with distinct residential and business areas and to make it easier to move around the... More
    Closed 13 March 2017
  • The Beddington Transport & Travel Survey

    We have secured the first phase of funding from Transport for London (TfL), to make improvements in the Beddington area. Our work will focus particularly on and near Hilliers Lane and Beddington Lane, but also includes the Beddington industrial area and residential areas such as Beddington Village. The project’s aim is to make the local environment more attractive, with distinct residential and business areas and to make it easier to move around the area, whether... More
    Closed 15 March 2017
  • Sutton Crime Prevention & Community Safety Strategy 2017-20 Survey

    To bolster our current understanding and help us to further evaluate the impact of community safety partnership work in Sutton, we'd like to invite you to participate in a short online survey to help us to further draw out ideas, develop the narrative and plan a full range of responses to crime and disorder issues faced locally, going forward. Between Tuesday 21st February and Sunday 19th March 2017 the council is consulting on the proposed ‘Safe In Sutton’ Sutton Crime... More
    Closed 19 March 2017
  • Early Help Survey

    To build our current understanding of early help in Sutton, we'd like to invite you to participate in a survey of providers of these services across the Borough. The outcome of the survey will be a comprehensive map of the range and distribution of early help services and support that will be used to inform commissioning and targeting of these services in the future. More
    Closed 26 May 2017
  • Sutton Information, Advice and Support Service - Spring 2017

    The main purpose of the Sutton Information, Advice and Support Service is to support you and ensure that you are actively involved in all decisions about your child’s education. As you used the service during the Spring 2017 term we are asking you to complete the feedback survey. Your answers will help us to make sure that we offer the highest quality service to parents and carers. Specifically we would welcome any particular comments you would like to make. All your comments will... More
    Closed 31 May 2017
  • Fostering in the London Borough of Sutton

    Foster carers provide a home for children and young people who are in the care of Sutton Council. A child or young person may need a Foster Carer when their birth parents aren’t able to look after them or because there’s been a family crisis. According to The Fostering Network, the UK’s leading fostering charity, over 7,000 more people with the right skills and experience are needed to offer loving, stable and secure homes to children and young people across the UK Sutton... More
    Closed 12 June 2017
  • Preschool Rhymetime Survey, Sutton Central Library

    Would you like to visit the library for preschool songs and rhymes? Please take a few minutes to fill out this survey. Sutton Central Library is currently reviewing times and ticketing for the free singing and rhyme sessions for preschool children. Childcare professionals, as well as parents, are welcome at Rhymetime, but places are limited and we are reviewing how we hand out tickets, and when we run sessions. More
    Closed 10 July 2017
  • Beddington North Major Scheme

    The Beddington North Major Scheme is funded by Transport for London and the London Borough of Sutton. More
    Closed 16 July 2017
  • Survey Of Newspapers And Magazines

    Have Your Say About Newspapers and Magazines in Your Libraries Sutton Libraries, Heritage and Arts. 1 July - 31 July 2017 More
    Closed 31 July 2017
  • Business Rates Relief

    Business Rates (also known as National Non Domestic Rates), are a tax on business concerns and organisations that use a building, warehouse, shop, office or other such premise for business purposes. The tax rate is set nationally by central government based on the rateable value of the property. The rateable value of business properties is adjusted, generally every 5 years, by the Valuation Office Agency (VOA) to reflect changes in the the property market. The most recent revaluation... More
    Closed 7 August 2017
  • Flooding Survey

    In order to understand the flood risk and to consider upgrading or installing new flood protection, we need to know where flooding has taken place previously. We would like to know if your homes, streets, or local areas have been affected by flooding in the past. Even if you have never experienced any form of flooding, your response will still help us to accurately map flooding in the local area. Please note that your information will only be passed on to Thames Water and the partners... More
    Closed 10 September 2017
  • Sutton Information, Advice and Support Service - Summer 2017

    The main purpose of the Sutton Information, Advice and Support Service is to support you and ensure that you are actively involved in all decisions about your child’s education. As you used the service during the Summer 2017 term we are asking you to complete the feedback survey. Your answers will help us to make sure that we offer the highest quality service to parents and carers. Specifically we would welcome any particular comments you would like to make. All your comments will... More
    Closed 15 September 2017
  • National Funding Formula Consultation 2018/19

    The Government has announced that a National Funding Formula (NFF) for Schools will be introduced from April 2018. Whilst the Local Authority’s total Schools Block allocation will be calculated using the NFF, for the first 2 years the Local Authority will continue to distribute funding to schools through the ‘local formula’. Sutton is an overall gainer from the NFF however whilst the total amount of money will increase, a key decision that the Local Authority needs to make, in... More
    Closed 17 November 2017
  • Domestic Abuse in Sutton

    Sutton Council would like to hear your opinion to better understand views towards domestic abuse and local services in the community. We want to find out how we can improve services and make sure that it is easy for residents to access the support they might need, at the right time. This survey is completely optional and confidential; you will not be asked to provide your name. You are being asked to complete this survey as part of a random sample of Sutton residents. The answers... More
    Closed 21 December 2017
  • Roundshaw Park Play Equipment

    Roundshaw Park play equipment consultation will seek to find out the community’s preferences for different types of play equipment to be installed in Roundshaw Park. The consultation will last for 6 weeks and once all the information is analysed this will be presented to the Beddington and Wallington Local Committee for a formal decision. Please talk to your children and ask their opinion or they can have fun completing the questionnaire themselves. More
    Closed 29 December 2017
  • Sutton Family Information Service Satisfaction Survey 2017

    Sutton Family Information Service recently sent you information about childcare or services in your area. We hope that the information was helpful to you. Please complete this online survey to let us know how we did. The information you provide will help us to plan and deliver a quality service. Your details will remain confidential and will not be passed on to any other organisations. Thank you More
    Closed 31 December 2017
403 results. Page 7 of 14