National Funding Formula 2019/20 Consultation
This consultation relates to the options that the Local Authority is considering for the formula factors upon which schools will be funded in the FY 2019/20 as part of the implementation of the National Funding Formula.
Before responding to this consultation via the link below, please read the consultation document attached at the bottom of the page.
This consultation is for primarily schools in the London Borough of Sutton. We will only accept 1 response from each school and would ask that this is agreed by either the Head Teacher or the Chair of Governors.
The Government announced that a National Funding Formula (NFF) for Schools would be introduced from April 2018. The total DSG allocation in Sutton from 2018/19, and in future years, will now be set by the National Funding Formula, however, the Government have left it to Local Authorities to decide how the NFF should be implemented locally, in consultation with Schools Forum and with schools in general. LAs will continue to set local formula factors until 2020/21, whereafter the ‘hard’ national funding formula is expected to be implemented.
The Local Authority consulted on the 2018/19 formula as part of the implementation of the NFF last year, but must now decide what formula factors are to be used for the financial year 2019/20.
Provisional allocations from Government for Sutton's overall DSG allocation were made at the end of July with confirmed allocations expected in December 2018. We want to hear views from schools about how the Local Authority should set the funding formula for 2019/20 in the context of the National Funding Formula. Following discussion with Schools Forum on 9th October, we have written a consultation paper with a series of options, and outcomes at an aggregated and school level, to help schools understand the differences between the options as well as the ovearching principles we have used to develop them. The options are not 'rigid' in the sense that options can be amended or adjusted as explained in the consultation paper which can be found attached below.
Note this consultation relates to funding distributed through the Schools Block of the Dedicated Schools Grant. Funding for high needs (special schools/specialist provision) is dealt with separately and not in the scope of this consultation, though we would still welcome any views from these schools given the interelationships that exist between the two budget areas.
Why your views matter
Whilst it is the Local Authority that sets the Local Formula factors in Sutton, it must do that in consultation with Schools Forum and in consultation with schools in general. The National Funding Formula represents a fundamental change to the way that schools are funded in England and therefore it is important that schools give us their views on the best way of making this transition.
What happens next
9 October 2018 - Schools Forum agree options for consultation
15 October to 12 November 2018 - consultation with all schools
4 December 2018 - Schools Forum / Local Authority consider responses to the consultation and determine 2019/20 formula factors.
(circa) 20 December 2018 - DfE announces final 2019/20 allocations
21 January 2019 - Deadline for Local Authority to submit Formula Factors
February 2019 - LA publishes school level budget allocations (maintained schools only). Academy school budgets are confirmed by the ESFA directly.
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