Westmead Road - Proposed Road Safety Improvements

Closed 12 Sep 2021

Opened 19 Jul 2021


The Council has regularly received concerns from ward councillors and members of the public regarding excessive traffic speed and road safety along Westmead Road. The road is a busy borough local distributor route linking Carshalton to Sutton.

There were six accidents recorded on Westmead Road in the last three years between 1 January 2018 and 31 December 2020. Four of these accidents took place in Westmead Road close to the junction with Browning Avenue, one of which was a serious accident and one was a fatal accident.

Funding from Transport for London (TfL) has been allocated under the Local Implementation Plan (LIP) programme to continue investigation, design and consultation on this scheme during 2021/22.  The measures are as summarized below:

  • A 20mph speed limit zone in Westmead Road with speed cushions on either side of existing islands. The zone is to include all roads to the south of Westmead Road, the majority of which are traffic-calmed as shown on the plan below.
  • Creation of a larger 20mph zone by linking the proposed 20mph zone in Westmead Road to the existing speed limit zones on each end of the road as shown on the attached plan below.
  • Improving sightlines for traffic exiting Browning Avenue into Westmead Road together with hatch markings in Westmead Road to visually narrow the road to improve safety at the junction as shown on the plan below.

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Why your views matter

This is an informal consultation, we would like your feedback on the proposed measures by 12 September 2021. While it will not be possible to reply to you individually, all comments will be taken into account. At the end of this consultation period, officers will consider all responses received and a summary of the responses will be presented to the local ward councillors and you will be notified of the outcome of agreeing to the proposals. 

Your feedback is essential to this consultation as it will enable us to continue to improve the scheme before we start the detailed design process.

For more information on how Sutton processes your personal information please visit our Privacy Notice (opens in a new window). Any comments you make may be made public on the Council's website however we will remove any personally identifiable information.


  • Carshalton Central


  • General public


  • Traffic and transportation