Draft IPG on Climate Change Mitigation

Closed 28 Apr 2011

Opened 17 Mar 2011


The Council is preparing Interim Planning Guidance (IPG) on ‘Climate Change Mitigation’ as part of Sutton’s Local Development Framework that will replace the adopted Unitary Development Plan. The IPG is intended to provide supplementary guidance for developers and a framework against which planning applications will be determined with respect to key climate change mitigation issues covered by London Plan policies and Sutton’s adopted Sutton Core Planning Strategy over the interim period prior to the adoption of the Site Development Policies DPD

The IPG will set out developer guidelines on energy efficient design, the delivery of decentralised energy (DE) networks and renewable energy technologies in the context of delivering the Council’s Borough wide targets for reducing carbon dioxide emissions, including zero carbon within Hackbridge. A charging mechanism for the proposed ‘carbon offset’ fund is put forward.

We have now published the draft IPG for public consultation and representations on the draft document are being invited from 17 March to 28 April 2011. Responses must be received no later than 5pm on Thursday 28th April 2011. Representations after this date will not be accepted.

Why your views matter

The Council has a statutory duty to consult all relevant stakeholders when preparing Interim Planning Guidance (IPG) along the lines of statutory procedures in place for Supplementary Planning Documents (SPD).

What happens next

The final IPG on ‘Climate Change Mitigation’, incorporating amendments arising from public consultation will be adopted for development control purposes in June or July 2011


  • Belmont
  • Carshalton Central
  • Cheam
  • Stonecot
  • Sutton Central
  • Sutton North
  • Sutton South
  • The Wrythe
  • Wallington North
  • Wallington South


  • Anyone from any background


  • Environment
  • Planning