Sutton Alcohol Harm Reduction Strategy

Closed 30 May 2012

Opened 4 Apr 2012


The Sutton Alcohol Harm Reduction Strategy 2011-14, will update, refresh and build upon work that has been developed locally and previously expressed in Safer Sutton Partnership.

At a time of shrinking economies, cuts across public services and considerable uncertainty about future funding, it is imperative that resources are deployed ‘smartly’ and that Sutton’s response to
tackling alcohol misuse is coordinated and proportionate to locally evidenced need and the issues within our community.

Evidence and data suggests that levels of risky drinking are on the rise nationally and in Sutton and this may indicate that a different approach may be needed in dealing with the issue.

Why your views matter

We want your views to help us to develop proportionate local measures and responses that are consistent with healthier, safer, responsible and social drinking behaviours in Sutton.

In the following pages we provide you with information and facts about
alcohol, in terms of its relative benefits and harms and then invite you to respond to some specific questions.

This consultation will be open and will run for a period of eight weeks from the beginning of April 2012.

What happens next

We welcome your responses either singularly or as part of collectives or interest groups locally.

Information can be sent directly to us through the online consultation
portal, or if you prefer as a down load and returned to

We also plan to run a number focus groups over the eight weeks of
consultation and you may have an opportunity to participate in these also.

Following the consultation, we will collate all of the responses and publish a synopsis of the results online. Information about this will be given to all who have participated.


  • Belmont
  • Carshalton Central
  • Cheam
  • Stonecot
  • Sutton Central
  • Sutton North
  • Sutton South
  • The Wrythe
  • Wallington North
  • Wallington South


  • Businesses
  • Community groups / organisations
  • Faith groups
  • Voluntary groups / organisations
  • All residents


  • Well-being