Improving walking and cycling to The London Cancer Hub

Closed 7 Dec 2023

Opened 27 Nov 2023

Feedback updated 24 Jul 2024

We asked

We secured a £14.1 million grant from the Government’s Levelling Up Fund to transform public transport to the London Cancer Hub (LCH) in Belmont. The London Cancer Hub is currently under development and is set to become the world’s leading district for cancer research and treatment bringing 13,000 new jobs in health, science, education and construction to the area.

Sutton Council is working with Network Rail to double train services from two to four trains an hour, with additional direct services between Belmont Station and London Victoria. In December 2023, the Council asked local people about walking and cycling between Belmont Station and the London Cancer Hub.

We shared suggestions on how to improve the walking/cycling route in December 2023, giving the opportunity to comment via an online questionnaire and drop in event, held at the Cancer Hub site.


You said

We received 65 completed questionnaires and feedback from 9 visitors in this initial engagement period.

Key findings included:

  • Agreement on the need for improvements around Belmont Station, including increased train frequency and a  better walking/cycling route to the London Cancer Hub.
  • Support for specific suggestions, such as a new pedestrian/cycling route via Pelton Avenue and improvements to Brighton Road.
  • Concerns raised about issues such as parking, flooding at the station and potential traffic congestion from new crossings.
  • Positive feedback on enhancements such as increased green spaces and pedestrian access improvements.
  • Other issues were raised that are outside the scope for this project and these are noted for consideration during the wider development. 

We did

The feedback has been used to inform further design development and a further round of consultation on the more develped proposals will take place during July 2024.


We secured a £14.1 million grant from the Government’s Levelling Up Fund to transform public transport to the London Cancer Hub (LCH) in Belmont. The London Cancer Hub is currently under development and is set to become the world’s leading district for cancer research and treatment bringing 13,000 new jobs in health, science, education and construction to the area.

Sutton Council is working with Network Rail to double train services from two to four trains an hour, with additional direct services between Belmont Station and London Victoria. In December 2023, the Council asked local people about walking and cycling between Belmont Station and the London Cancer Hub.

Consultation overview 
We shared suggestions on how to improve the walking/cycling route in December 2023, giving the opportunity to comment via an online questionnaire and drop in event, held at the Cancer Hub site.

We received 65 completed questionnaires and feedback from 9 visitors in this initial engagement period.
Consultation findings
Key findings included:

  • Agreement on the need for improvements around Belmont Station, including increased train frequency and a  better walking/cycling route to the London Cancer Hub..
  • Support for specific suggestions, such as a new pedestrian/cycling route via Pelton Avenue and improvements to Brighton Road.
  • Concerns raised about issues such as parking, flooding at the station and potential traffic congestion from new crossings.
  • Positive feedback on enhancements such as increased green spaces and pedestrian access improvements.
  • Other issues were raised that are outside the scope for this project and these are noted for consideration during the wider development. 

Why your views matter

The feedback has been used to inform further design development and a further round of consultation on the more developed proposals taking place during July 2024.

What happens next

Following this public engagement, all comments and feedback will be analysed and considered as part of the design process. A report will be produced to summarise the responses.

Please note, another engagement period with residents and businesses is expected to take place in April 2024, which will showcase the detailed design. We will contact you again in advance so that you are kept up to date. 


  • Drop-in event

    From 5 Dec 2023 at 14:00 to 5 Dec 2023 at 21:00

    We are holding a drop-in event at the Innovation Gateway at The London Cancer Hub (Cotswold Rd, Sutton SM2 5NG) on Tuesday 5 December 2023, from 2pm to 9pm.

    At the event, you will be able to look at the development of the walking/cycling routes and public realm scheme and talk to the design team about the proposals.


  • Belmont


  • Anyone from any background


  • Traffic and transportation