Developing a joint Dementia Strategy

Closed 20 Mar 2024

Opened 25 Jan 2024


We are developing a Dementia Strategy with Sutton's Integrated Care Board, local community organisations, charities and local residents to agree what we can do as a community to make Sutton a better place to live for people with dementia and those who care for them. 

Dementia is term that covers a range of progressive conditions which affect the brain. Each type of dementia prevents a person's brain cells (neurones) working properly in specific areas. 

Dementia describes common symptoms such as memory loss, confusion and problems with speech and understanding; and things can get worse over time. Symptoms can include mobility difficulties, problems with eating and swallowing along with an inability to identify people or places.

While dementia can affect anyone, it is more common in people over 65 years of age.

Why your views matter

Please share your thoughts on how we can make Sutton a better place to live for people with dementia and help to shape Sutton's first Dementia Strategy.

For more information on how Sutton processes your personal information please read our Privacy Notice (opens in a new window). Any comments you make may be made public on the Council's website however we will remove any personally identifiable information.


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