Sutton Common Road Area, Sutton - Proposed speed reduction and pedestrian safety measures

Closes 12 Jan 2025

Opened 5 Dec 2024



Sutton Council is committed to making our borough’s roads safer and giving people more choice in how they travel. We want to improve safety on roads to reduce the number and severity of accidents, to make it easier for people to walk or cycle and to improve air quality.

Residents have previously told us about traffic issues in the Sutton Common Road area and we have used this feedback to develop proposals to address these issues.

The proposals

  • Proposed 20mph speed limit in the Sutton Common Road area north of A217 including - Sutton Common Road (between A24 Stonecot Hill and A217 Oldfields Road / Reigate Avenue), Acacia Drive, Alcorn Close, Barrington Road, Sherborne Road, Taunton Close and Thompson Close
  • Proposed 20mph speed limit in the Sutton Common Road area south of A217 including - Sutton Common Road (between A217 Oldfields Road / Reigate Avenue and Angel Hill), Angel Hill slip roads, Arlington Close, Bishops Close, Blenheim Road, Broomloan Lane, Burford Road, Chester Close, Clensham Lane, Dibdin Close, Dibdin Road, Fairlands Avenue, Hallmead Road, Hurstcourt Road, Leafield Road, Lymescote Gardens, Marlborough Road, Minster Avenue, Oakwood Gardens, Pylbrook Road, Ranfurly Road, Sorrento Road, Stayton Road, St. John’s Road and Sunnyhurst Close.
  • Proposed improvements to the existing zebra crossing outside Sutton Common railway station on Sutton Common Road. Remove the central island and widen the footway to shorten the crossing distance for pedestrians and provide a grassed area on the footway. Install a raised platform on the zebra crossing to slow down vehicles approaching the crossing point.
  • Proposed kerb to kerb raised platform (road hump) in Sutton Common Road 20m west of Angel Hill slip road to slow traffic and assist pedestrians to cross.
  • Proposed raised platform (also known as an entry treatment) in Angel Hill slip road junction with Sutton Common Road to slow traffic and help pedestrians to cross more safely.

The aim of these proposals is to reduce traffic speed, assist pedestrians to cross more safely, reduce the risk and severity of accidents, provide a safer environment for all road users and make it easier for people to walk and cycle in the area if they wish to.

Plans showing these proposed measures can be found here:

Sutton Common Road area scheme 20mph Consultation Plan 1 of 2

Sutton Common Road area scheme 20mph Consultation Plan 2 of 2

Sutton Common Road humped zebra crossing Consultation Plan

Sutton Common Road - Angel Hill Consultation Plan

Frequently asked questions and answers about these types of schemes can be found here:


Sutton Common Road - ATC Traffic Flow Data Results 1 of 2

Sutton Common Road - ATC Traffic Flow Data Results 2 of 2

Sutton Common Road - Accident Data 1 of 2

Sutton Common Road - Accident Data 2 of 2

Why your views matter

As this scheme may affect you, please take a few minutes to tell us if you think it will make your local roads safer and if you can think of anything that could improve it.

We would like your feedback, and please note that the engagement is open until midnight on 12 January 2025.

While it will not be possible to reply to you individually, all comments will be taken into account. At the end of this consultation period, council officers will consider all responses received and a summary of the responses will be presented to the local ward councillors. Residents in the consultation area will be notified of the outcome of the consultation. 

For more information on how Sutton handles your personal information, please visit our Privacy Notice. Any comments you make may be made public on the Council's website, however, we will remove any personally identifiable information.

Give us your views


  • St Helier West
  • Stonecot
  • Sutton North


  • Anyone from any background


  • Environment
  • Planning
  • Regeneration
  • Traffic and transportation