Improving Travel in Wallington

Closed 11 Dec 2009

Opened 22 Sep 2009


Sutton Council has launched a new pilot project to transform travel in the Wallington area and make it easier for people to use greener transport. Building on our trail-blazing Smarter Travel Sutton initiative, we want to work with local people to put in infrastructure that makes walking, cycling and public transport the preferred way to travel and cuts congestion on our roads.

Why your views matter

We want local people who live, work, shop or go to school in Wallington to tell us their issues and what would help them to leave their cars at home and consider greener types of transport. It may be better signs for pedestrians and cyclists, improved crossing facilities or more cycle parking. They could go further, for example traffic management measures to control traffic speeds and numbers of cars. We believe it is vital that people who regularly travel in the area are involved, so make sure you tell us what you think.

What happens next

We will use what you’ve said to put together a package of improvements, which we will then talk to local people about early next year. The plans are then finalised and works start in late 2010. Some initial improvements to the train station forecourt already have funding and should be in place by autumn 2010.


  • Carshalton Central
  • Wallington North
  • Wallington South


  • Businesses
  • Citizens panel
  • Community groups / organisations
  • Staff
  • Voluntary groups / organisations
  • All residents
  • Councillors / MPs / MEPs
  • General public
  • People with disabilities


  • Environment
  • Regeneration
  • Traffic and transportation