Draft Planning Brief for Cheam Village Sheltered Scheme
Feedback updated 25 Jan 2011
We asked
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We did
Results updated 23 Dec 2010
We consulted on a draft Planning Brief to provide guidance for the future re-development of the Sheltered Housing Site. We heard from people at a public exhibition and received questionnaires, letters and comments from organisations we work with and existing residents. Almost 90% of questionnaire respondents were in favour of a development in keeping with the historic village character of Cheam and 60% were in favour of a low/medium height development between 2-3 storeys near to existing housing. Support for widening Mickleham Gardens was divided and there were detailed comments on what facilities should be required. A summary of the responses and how they have been addressed is in the document below.
- Statement of Consultation, 5.6 MB (PDF document)
Sutton Council is committed to providing the right accommodation for local people in later life. From 22 April to 2 June 2009, the Council is seeking your views on a draft Planning Brief to guide future development of the Sheltered Housing Site in Cheam Village. The council plans to redevelop the Sheltered Housing Site in Cheam Village – to include 1-36 Elizabeth House, Park Lane; 1-32 Mickleham Gardens; 1 to 12 Pond Hill Gardens; 1 to 3 Cheam Park Way; and 23, 25 and 27 Malden Road - so that it can meet the needs of older people and vulnerable adults in the community long into the future. A draft Planning Brief has been prepared for the site which sets out guidance for the site’s development. This consultation asks for your views on how the site can be developed in a way that fits in with the surrounding area and meets the needs of older people living there. Responses must be received no later than midnight on Tuesday 2 June 2009.
Why your views matter
Your views will be taken into account in preparing a final Planning Brief and when the council makes plans for the site. The Planning Brief will assist the Council in determining future planning applications for the site. It will be adopted as supplementary planning guidance to the adopted Sutton Unitary Development Plan.
What happens next
Once the consultation has closed, we will analysis the responses and your view will help us move towards developing a final version of the Planning Brief.
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