Willow Walk

Closed 22 Jul 2019

Opened 27 Jun 2019


The Cheam North and Worcester Park Local Committee has agreed to consult residents in the area on a traffic scheme to re-locate the existing road closure in Willow Walk as a result of a request from a local business. The Council supports local businesses and aims to ensure the transport network meets the needs of the local economy.

Why your views matter

The local business is having difficulty receiving deliveries to their premises via Whittaker Road due to the on-street parking so have started to have their deliveries via Kimpton Road. So to help to improve the movement of their freight we have the proposal to move the existing road closure location to allow better access to their premises via Kimpton Road. This proposal will require some parking restrictions to be introduced during the working day in Willow Walk.


  • Cheam


  • All residents


  • Traffic and transportation