Local Committee Review
As a council we want to ensure residents have a chance to influence decisions in their local area.
We want the chance to understand what would be the best way for you to get involved?
One of the ways we currently do this is via Local Committees which are currently a key part of the Council’s mechanism to enable residents to engage and influence the decisions of the Council and their commitment to the 2011 Localism Act.
To find out more about the current Local Committees please visit the Local Committee page.
Why your views matter
Local Committees currently aim to:
give communities a bigger say over decisions affecting them
be more responsive to people across the borough and allow you to influence local services
provide Public Realm funding - this has included replacing old playground equipment, investing in biodiversity, purchasing new benches and fencing, and installing traffic calming measures.
provide funding from Neighbourhood Grants of up to £1,000 to support local projects which benefit the local community.
provide funding from the Event Fees & Charges Grant to help offset the cost of organising community events
We are seeking your views on how we can best involve residents in decisions affecting their local area; to best meet the needs of the community and engage with a wider audience.
Click here to find out more about Local Committees in the London Borough of Sutton.
Publishing/ Privacy Statement
Through participating in this consultation we will be publishing your responses. Your responses will remain confidential and we will not attribute responses to you personally, unless you self identify or include information about yourself in your response.
- Belmont
- Carshalton Central
- Cheam
- Stonecot
- Sutton Central
- Sutton North
- Sutton South
- The Wrythe
- Wallington North
- Wallington South
- Businesses
- Citizens panel
- Community groups / organisations
- E-panel
- Faith groups
- Staff
- Voluntary groups / organisations
- All residents
- Asylum seekers and refugees
- Black and minority ethnic people
- Carers
- Children
- Council tenants
- Councillors / MPs / MEPs
- Expert stakeholders
- Gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgendered people
- General public
- Gypsies / travelers
- Internet users
- Men
- Non-users of services
- Older people
- Parents, carers and guardians
- Patients
- People with disabilities
- People with learning difficulties
- Service users
- Stakeholders
- Students
- Targeted sample
- Visitors / tourists / non residents
- Women
- Young People
- Children and young people
- Faith, Religion and Belief
- Gender issues
- Older people's issues
- Race issues
- Sexual orientation
- Well-being
- Communication
- Democracy and participation
- Resident satisfaction
- Spending
- Environment
- Planning
- Regeneration
- Traffic and transportation
- Disability
- General health
- Homeless
- Housing
- Arts and culture
- Libraries
- Sport and leisure
- Crime and community safety
- Environmental health
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