Sherwood Park School SN Complete Proposal

Closed 19 May 2014

Opened 22 Apr 2014

Results updated 4 Jul 2014

Sherwood Park School

At the meeting of the Children, Family and Education Committee on Thursday 26 June, the Committee as Decision Maker approved the Statutory Proposal to establish an additional site at the Woodfield Site of the former Stanley Park High School to cater for the needs of pupils with Severe Learning Difficulties (SLD) and Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD) and associated behavioural difficulties along with an expansion on the current site of the School to cater for additional pupils with SLD/ Profound and Multiple Learning Difficulties (PMLD). Across the two sites it is planned to provide a total of 80 additional places. The School currently has a capacity of 80 places for pupils with SLD/PMLD/severe ASD and currently has 81 on roll.

The major building project for the provision of the accommodation at the additional site at Woodfield should be completed by September 2015. Planning of the necessary accommodation at the Streeters Lane Site which will complete the overall expansion of the School and to bring its capacity up to around 160 places is currently progressing. Demand for such specialist places is projected to increase significantly over the course of the next few years.


The Council has a duty to secure appropriate special educational provision for pupils with special educational needs and to keep that provision under review. Accordingly, opportunity bases attached to schools are regularly reviewed.

At Culvers House, as other schools have increased their capacity to admit disabled children, the demand for the opportunity base has diminished considerably and increasingly it is possible fully to meet the needs of such pupils in their local primary school.

Avenue, there is an opportunity to establish a base to serve children with learning difficulties. There is already considerable demand for such places and a base at Avenue would improve the balance of provision within the Borough through serving children living in the Central Sutton locality and in the west of the Borough.

 At Sherwood Park, in response to significantly increased demand for pupils of secondary age with severe Autistic Spectrum Disorder (often with associated challenging behaviours), specialist provision is proposed which, because of space constraints on its current site, will use a part of the former site of Stanley Park High School.

The former two changes could be implemented from September 2014, but the last change could be implemented from September 2015.

Why your views matter

Following the decisions taken by the Council’s Children, Family and Education Committee at its meeting on the 13th March, authorisation has been given to publish statutory proposals on the possible closure of the opportunity base at Culvers House Primary; the possible establishment of an opportunity base at Avenue Primary and the possible enlargement of Sherwood Park School by 80 places and the establishment of an additional site on the former site of Stanley Park High School.


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