Sutton Employability & Recruitment Online Survey

Closed 6 Feb 2015

Opened 27 Nov 2014


In April 2014, the London Borough of Sutton launched the Sutton Skills Match Strategy - which is a business-led approach to making Sutton a Borough where businesses thrive because residents have the right skills to meet the needs of current and future workforce demands.

Your co-operation in completing this questionnaire will enable us to understand your recruitment needs and the types of skills you require in order to help your business to grow and prosper. We will use the information gathered to inform the way we engage with education and training partners across the Borough to address your skill shortages.

The survey should take about 10 minutes at the most and involves a range of questions, mostly multiple choice, about your company.

All the information we gather will be held confidentially by the council. We will only publish aggregated information collected from the totality of businesses and we will ask your permission if we think that there is some merit in sharing your information with our training providers, but this wil be with your benefit in mind to address specific skill shortages.


  • Belmont
  • Carshalton Central
  • Cheam
  • Stonecot
  • Sutton Central
  • Sutton North
  • Sutton South
  • The Wrythe
  • Wallington North
  • Wallington South


  • Businesses


  • Business
  • Consumer services