DSG Top-Up Provision for Special Educational Needs
In 2014, the Local Authority proposed a series of changes to top-up rates for pupils with a variety of Special Educational Needs. At the time those proposals focused simply on the rate itself. There was no rationale given for how those rates had been ‘calculated’.
The overwhelming response from schools was that it was difficult to provide any reasoned response to the proposals when it was based on what appeared to be an arbitrary figure. Schools were also clear in their feedback at that time that any subsequent consultation would need a clear explanation of how the figures had been arrived at.
Schools were also consistent in their 2014 feedback in asking for clarity not only on how the specific proposals for the types of need they would meet had been developed, but also in asking for sight of what was being proposed for all types of special educational need so that they could compare and contrast between top-up funding rate proposals for different SEN profiles.
As a result of that comprehensive and consistent rejection of the proposals in 2014, the top-up rates suggested at that time were not progressed
In October 2016, as part of a wider consideration of the funding position within the DSG, the Schools Forum agreed to consult all schools on a range of options for reducing costs and addressing cost pressures within the DSG. One of the options put forward was an overall reduction in the costs of SEN Top-Up rates. All schools are being asked for their view on this as a ‘principle’ in conjunction with a range of other savings options. That consultation on the DSG Savings will run concurrently with this consultation, which will seek the views of both Mainstream Sutton Schools with Specialist Bases in the Primary and Secondary Sectors and the views of Sutton Special Schools.
The attached consultation document (under the Related heading, below) sets out further details on the context and rationale for the proposal, and to make relevant information available to all those being consulted.
Why your views matter
To consult Mainstream Schools with Specialist Bases and Sutton Special Schools on a series of Schools Forum proposals to:
(a) Revise the top-up funding for pupils who are placed in specialist bases in the following mainstream Sutton schools: Amy Johnson Primary MLD Base; Avenue Primary ASD Base; Bandon Hill Primary ASD Base, Foresters Primary ASD Base; Green Wrythe Primary ASD Base; Muschamp Primary Speech Language and Communication Needs Base; Rushy Meadow Primary Hearing Impaired Base; Cheam High MLD Base; Glenthorne ASD Base; Greenshaw Speech Language and Communication Needs Base; Overton Grange Hearing Impaired Base; and both ASD Bases at Stanley Park High
(b) Revise the top-up funding for pupils who are placed in special education provision in Sutton Special Schools at: Carew Academy Provision for MLD and ASD; Sherwood Park School Provision for MLD/ASD and PMLD; and Wandle Valley School Provision for students with SEBD.
To support consideration of this proposal, the purpose of this document is to set out the context and rationale for the top-up rate proposals in Specialist bases and Special Schools and to make relevant information available to all those being consulted.
The feedback from the consultation will be reported back to schools and subsequently be considered by Schools Forum for final decisions.
- Belmont
- Carshalton Central
- Cheam
- Stonecot
- Sutton Central
- Sutton North
- Sutton South
- The Wrythe
- Wallington North
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